Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Elena’s POV

I put my hand over my mouth in shock.

“Gifted Academy was founded thousands of years ago and it was handed down to everyone until it was handed to me. When I was first principal I greeted every new student. When I saw your parents I knew something was special about them. I always used to be interested in the both of them more than the other students. I wasn’t surprised at all at how much power your mother and father had separately.

“Your parents were the best students until they left the school and got married. They then had you and your mother used to send pictures to me. Each month she used to send one letter and a picture of how much you’ve grown.” he told me like he was remembering all the times.

“Then Ray started using mind control on her. Ray is the one who started the dark side and made another group to war against us gifted. He took all of our best students and wanted your parents to come along but they refused. Ray thought we shouldn’t use our powers to help others but also ourselves. He wanted to use the powers the rule the whole world. When the council heard of this they expelled him from the school and his followers with him.”

“He was still very mad at your parents since they had very strong powers so he used mind control on her. Your mother didn’t know what was happening because every time she woke up a voice was in her head telling her to kill her husband and go to Ray. She was also getting nightmares. She came to me and when she told me everything I told her someone was using mind control on her. I helped her learn how to fight against it and when she did she found out it was Ray. She and your husband found a place far away from the school and raised you peacefully.”

“One day I got a call from her saying Ray found her and I didn’t know what to do so I told her to come here. Well you know what happened after that.” He said after all or that.

My head was hurting from thinking to hard so I started to rub my forehead.

“l’ll let you think of this over a good night’s rest. Good night.” he told me as if nothing happened. I still had plenty of questions but left them for a next day. I stood up and made my way to my dorm.

I opened the door and went to my bedroom, taking off my clothes. I grabbed a baggy t-shirt ans sweatpants and crawled into bed. I closed my eyes and images of my mother and father’s dead bodies flashed in my mind. I pushed the images to the back of my mind and let the darkness over take me.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm, rubbing my eyes. I sat up and everything that happened the night before came rushing back to me. I took a bath and put on a yellow sundress with white flats. I decided to put on a little bit of makeup so I did eyeliner and lip gloss.

I grabbed my bag and put all of my stuff in it. I walked outside my dorm and locked the door. I walked aimlessly down the stairs stuck in my thoughts. A little while later I was at school.

I walked to my locker and entered the combination shoving some of my books in it. I walked to my first class and opened the door. It only had four people inside so I walked to a desk in the back. I sat there for a few minutes waiting for the bell to ring. When it rang students started coming in with their groups of friends.

When all the students were seated the teacher from yesterday came into the classroom. He started talking about the history about Supernaturals but I zoned out on him. I heard the bell ring and made my way to Mathematics.

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