I'm Coming Back For You

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~Chapter Twenty Eight~       

<Thora Violet> I'm not a prophetess but I prophesy that Lana and Dave have a thing going on. Freya has been pissed looking at them. We stood by the pool, pretending to be talking too. Freya wasn't taking her eyes off Dave and he was seriously talking to Lana. She tried holding him few times and he'll slap her hand away.

"Hey what if Dave has been sleeping with Lana and Aiden is his son?" Hillary asked.

"That doesn't make sense Hill. Aiden looks exactly like Chris. I'm sure Lana was dating Dave before she got pregnant for Chris." Freya said and we nodded.

"But still what if Aiden is Dave's child? Did they have the DNA? Is it really his?"

"Don't confuse us Hillary." I said. "Okay what if, they're related? Like a sister?"

"Stop confusing me please. I don't care what relationship they have. I'm getting Dave tonight." Freya said and we laughed.

"I'll be watching her. I don't want Chris to be entangled in her mess." I nodded at Hillary's wise decision. She picked up her phone and screamed. "Oh my God!"

"What?" Freya asked.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!!" she kept screaming out. "Levi scored with Julie. She said 'hey Hill, I'm using the room now. Can you wait till I let you in? Levi is in.' That's hot." she ended and sighed. "Levi is fucking her again." she sniffed. "And I'm single."

"Me too." Freya and I said in unison.

"You've Chris," she said to me. "Dave wants you," to Freya. "And nobody wants me."

"I'm sorry about that. I didn't know Cheryl was going to fall for him again." I said.

"I know. She wasn't the only one he's been sleeping with. We were in an open relationship so I didn't know if it was right to get mad about it or not." she explained.

"He was a good guy. What changed him this much?" I curiously asked.

"I don't know Thora. Maybe because I gave him more than I should've." she smiled. "Don't let that ugly bitch take Chris away from you. He really doesn't want her. Work it out with him. You can be Aiden's mom too." I nodded and Freya sighed.

"I'm horny." she said. "If Dave says no can I use Chris for the night?"

"Go ahead." I nudged my head to where Lana was and they laughed.

Chris came out of the house at night and he was looking around. His eyes met with mine and he smiled at me. "Violet." he called. "Let's go out."

"I'm not going." I sharply said. "I'm not going Chris. You and Lana have to go home. I'll be here with them."


"Your baby needs you." He just looked at me and looked at Freya and Hillary. "I'm serious. We'll talk when you get home. I want to clear my head too."

"Okay." he faked a smile and went back inside.

"You're hurting him Thora."

"He's hurting me too." I stood up and headed inside. I've to go to bed. This whole nonsense complicated relationship must stop.

Dave Miller held my hand when I stepped inside. "Are you still here?" I asked.

"I'll be here till everyone leaves. Isn't the reunion over?"

"No." he headed out with me again and Chris rolled his eyes at me. "I want to go to bed."

"Not yet. The night is still young." he smiled. We walked towards where Freya was.

"Are you and Lana friends?"

"We used to be. Did Asher call you?" he hastily changed the topic from Lana. "He said he's sorry. You should forgive him."

"Do you know what he did to me?" he smiled at me and I knew he knew. "He got the idea from you?" he smiled again. "Come on Dave. That wasn't fair."

"I was helping my baby brother out. I wanted him to do his worse Thora. He's still a good guy. Give him another chance." We stopped in front of Freya and Hillary. "Let's get out of here." he said to her.

Dave held her hand and stood her up. "Can you handle it?" Freya gulped and I shook my head at her. If Dave taught Asher all that, I can bet he is a beast.

"Freya let's go to bed." I said. Dave laughed. "He's bad for you."

"Let her testify to that." he winked at her and she fanned herself. 

"He's right. Let me... testify first." Freya stammered.

"You're just horny. Stop the lies." Hillary said.

Dave started walking with her and we followed them like flies. We entered the next house and this was fully furnished. It looked like a real home. Steps were heard from upstairs and we all looked up.

"Dave," shit! Asher Miller was here too. Shirtless. He looked at me from the stairs and I became breathless.

"Miller!" Hillary and Freya screeched.

"Hey," he said under a low tone.

"Get a shirt on. Don't scare them away." Dave said to him.

"I've to go." I said and Dave stood in front of me. "I don't want to see him Dave." I said softly.

"Talk to him before you go. This is a favor." I took a deep breath and looked at Asher. He didn't look good too. "Please." I nodded. Dave walked the stairs with Freya and locked the door. Asher put on a shirt too and walked down to me.

"Hi." I said to him.

"Don't mind me. I'll be at the kitchen." Hillary said and walked around.

"I'm not going to explain myself. All I've to say is I'm sorry. That was stupid of me and I admit it but I'm not stopping Thora. He has a family now. Can't we make one on our own?"

"No. We don't have to go back..."


"Don't yell at me. I'm still mad at you. I do not care if you did what you did for my sake or not. It was really not cool Asher."

"Should I go ahead with more? Do you want to see more of me?" That devilish look came back and I felt scared again. "You know I'm not through with you Violet. I've a lot more for us. A whole lot more to give. I'm not going to beg you to choose between us. I chose you and I'm coming back for you."

His scowl was deep here. What more does he want from me too? Are we not done? We've done more than enough Miller.
Let me choose Chris now.

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