Profit And Loss

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~Chapter Nineteen~                        

<Chris Brady> Heavy knocks were coming through my door. I groaned and looked at my phone. It was almost 12pm. Who is disturbing my sleep at this time of the night? "Sir, it's me. Miss Lana is getting ready for the hospital. I thought you should know." Jesse said.

"Why?" I yawned.

"It's time." For what? "She's getting ready."

"I'm coming out." I said and stood up from the bed. I didn't even ask for this. My sleep is now being disturbed too. I picked up a shirt and slipped into a jean. I walked out and saw Jesse helping her walk out of the house. She screamed and I ran to her. "You're wasting time." I carried her in my arms and walked her out to the car. I sat her at the backseat and Jesse joined her.

I sat down in the car and her grunts made me drive faster. I looked back at her and she was sweating and groaning.

"Stop looking at me and drive Chris!" she yelled. I'm trying here. Why is she yelling?

"Can you step on the fucking accelerator!" Jesse covered her mouth laughing and she turned to her. "Is this funny?"

"No ma'am." I sighed and drove as fast as I can before she swallows us all.

Arriving at the hospital, nurses wheeled her on a trolley bed to a ward. I stood outside panting and Jesse smiled at me. "She'll be okay Chris." she said and I nodded.

I still didn't feel okay. She was screaming in there and I wished I could cover my ears.

It must be hard.

After minutes of screaming, I heard a baby's cry. Shit I'm really having a baby. This is unreal. I sat down on the chair beside me and sighed. Jesse tapped on my shoulder and smiled. "Congratulations Chris. You're now a father." Yeah, Whatever.

I was asked to go in there to see 'my baby' and Lana and I was freaking out. Is it mine? I wish it wasn't. I wish it was. I didn't know how I was feeling. I boldly walked in there and Lana had on her a arm a tiny baby. This was still unreal.

"Hey, daddy is here." she said to the baby and I sighed.

So unreal. I walked closer to them and looking at the baby, I knew it was mine. He had my eyes, my gold brown hair and my face. Shit! This is weird. Was it possible to freak out? The baby was sticking it's little tongue out and it was really cute. His hands were curled into a fist and he was looking at me. I was itching to hold him in my hands.

"Go ahead Chris." she smiled at me.

What if he slips and falls? God this was weird. I sighed and carried him in my arms. It felt good and tingly. I was looking at his small face, small eyes, nose and everything and it made me smile. It was so cute. I held his fisted arm and laughed. Why do they do that? I looked at Lana and she was smiling. This is what she wanted? Crazy people really live amongst us.

"Was it tiring? Heard you shouting." she nodded and the smile didn't leave her face. "Thanks for holding on."

"He looks so much like you."

"I know. I've seen the resemblance." And I'm going to teach him a lot of things. I'll advise him to be always him. He shouldn't try to change how he is for the sake of love.

If they love you, they'll accept who you are. I did change myself for someone and here I am holding another woman's child in my arms. Something I never imagined was right in front of me.

I tried to sleep in the chair at the hospital while Jesse took care of Lana and the baby. The baby's cries woke me up numerous times. My mom came in the morning with my dad and they were throwing the baby here and there while I sat down. My eyes felt puffy. I had no sleep last night. I stood up from the chair and my mom looked at me. "Where are you going?" she asked.

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