Chapter 1

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-3rd P.O.V.-

A lone figure was standing on the roof of a building, overlooking a an event that was taking place across the street. This lone figure was wearing a black military suit of armor and a metal helmet with the right side colored black for his eyepatch and the other half of his helmet orange with his left eye surveying the area. His armor plates were blue, his armor was overlapping his feets, shins, forearms, chest, and shoulders. The lone figure now had a Barrett M107 sniper rifle, he then took the tripod out of the sniper and set it down on the edge of the building. He was now lining up his rifle, as he was lining up his rifle, he looked through his sniper scope and spotted his target.

"Finally!" The lone figure said to himself. The lone figures target was a business man who was buying people off for a crime he committed was running for CEO for the company he works for. He was dressed in a black tuxedo, had black hair, and brown eyes. The lone figure aimed his rifle at his target's head and put his finger on the trigger, then he shot him. His head snapped back as the bullet shot him, as the business man was shot there was now a huge panic. People ran to the nearest exits as they were shocked and scared. The lone figure was looking at the chaos that he started, he then stood up and looked at the shattered moon up in the sky. He then jumped from the building he was on to the other roof, as he made it to the other roof, his scroll vibrated. He looked down on his scroll, to see it was his payment for the job.

"800,000." He thought to himself. The figure then jumped from roof to roof, as he was about to jump another roof his scroll vibrating again. He looked down on his scroll to see the caller I.D, 'Ozpin.' The figure sighed and held up his scroll up his ear and spoke.

"Ozpin." The figure said.

"Mr.Wilson, it's nice to talk to you again." Ozpin said.

"Likewise, now Ozpin why have you called. Do you have a contract for me?" The figure said.

"Yes, but I would like to meet in person. How long do you think it'll take you arrive here in Vale?" Ozpin asked.

"I can be there by tomorrow." The figure said.

"Splendid! I will see tomorrow, Mr.Wilson." Ozpin said to the masked figure.

-Timeskip: Morning-

The masked figure finally made to Vale and started to make his way to Beacon Academy, he discreetly made it to Beacon tower. He stepped in the elevator and pushed the button for Ozpin's office. As he was almost to Ozpin's office, the figure could hear shouting.

-Winter's P.O.V.-

"He was drunk!" I shouted at the at Gylnda.

"He's always drunk!" Gylnda shouted back, as Qrow was drinking. We all stop what we were doing when the elevator dinged.

"Ah, my associate is here." Ozpin said sitting back down in his desk. "You may come in now." Ozpin said as we all turned around to face the door. The door then opened to reveal a man wearing black military armor with the plates colored blue, with two swords on his back, holding three 40mm grenade launcher ammo, a black Desert Eagle, an M4 carbine with a grenade launcher, and a combat knife in his right boot. But the thing that stood out was his mask, on the right side is black that was covered, but on the other side of his mask was orange that only one eye stood out. He walk over to Ozpin's desk, without even acknowledging the rest of us.

"Ironwood, Ms.Schnee, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. Y/N Wilson or other wise known as..." Ozpin said as he was cut off by the masked figure.

"Deathstroke." Y/N said with an husky australian accent, but his voice was loud and clear. Then he looked over at me, Ironwood, Gylnda, and Qrow. But Y/N would mostly stare at me like he was going to kill me.

"Well Ozpin what is he doing here?" Ironwood said trying not be intimated by Y/N.

"Well Y/N is here to get information from the White Fang." Ozpin explained to all us.

"Well then, I should be going." Y/N said. As he was about to walk to the elevator, Ironwood stopped him.

"Do you mind if you move?" Y/N said.

"Ozpin I don't feel comfortable sending a mercenary out on the streets of Vale." Ironwood said.

"Don't worry it won't be that bloody." Y/N said sarcastically. Ironwood then made an attempt to stop him again, but failed when Y/N grabbed his arm and did an armlock on him.

"Don't ever do that again." Y/N replied coldly to him.

"That's enough Y/N!" Ozpin said while sipping his coffee. Y/N, then let go of him and walked in the elevator, as he took a glance at me. "Now James, I'm sending Y/N in whether you like it or not. We need what the White Fang is up to, so that we can know how to beat them." He explained to Ironwood.

"I suppose your right." Ironwood said as me and him, left Ozpin's office in the elevator.

"I want you to follow this Deathstroke, do not let him make a mess." He said to me. I nodded in response and as the elevator opened I made my way to find Deathstroke.

After a couple of hours later, I eventually found him in the streets of Vale at night. He was going from rooftop to rooftop as I was doing the same thing.

-Y/N P.O.V.-

As I was jumping from roof to roof there was a certain Schnee that was following me, I decided that I would tease her. So I quickly hid and waited, then after a little while there in the roof was Winter Schnee. I slowly and stealthily got out of my hiding spot and walked up behind her.

"Hello!" I whispered to her. As I did this, Winter pulled out her sword. But I used my arm to block her attack, as I did this she had a shocked look on her face. I then grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up in the air.

"I'm going to ask you this once, why are you following me." I demanded her.

"General Ironwood told me to follow you so you don't make mess of things." Winter said trying to speak. I let go of her throat and dropped her on the ground, I then turned around and walked away. As I was about make my way to the White Fang meet up, I heard the sound of a sword coming at me. In a split second, I pulled out one of my own sword's and block the incoming attack. I turned my head to see it was Winter who tried to attack me, she was lost for words as I blocked her attack. I secretly smiled inside my mask and pushed her away, making her stumble. I then pulled out my other sword and looked at white haired girl, I then got an idea. I need to test her to if she's strong.

"What are you doing, fight back." I said to her. Winter had an angered look her face and grabbed her sword from the ground. She then opened the hilt of her sword to reveal a dagger, she then charged at me. Just as she was about to stab me I moved out of the way, I then charged at her and slashed at her. Winter then tried to slash at my head, but failed when blocked her attack with my sword. But since I was on a time limit I needed to end this fight, I dodged her incoming attack and she stabbed me with both of her swords. As she pulled out her swords out of my chest, she saw my blood dripping down her sword she was shocked. But what shocked her even more was when I wasn't even bothered.

"Why didn't your aura protect you?" She asked me.

"I could explain it to you, but I have job to do kid." I said to her. As I was about to leave she stopped me, I looked down at her and I was very close to getting anger. "Look kid, I'm on a schedule ok so why don't you go play soldier somewhere else." I said to her.

"No! General Ironwood told me to follow you so you don't make a mess." She explained to me, I looked down at her shook my head.

"If you won't get out of my way kid, I guess your coming with me." I said to her. We then made our way to the White Fang warehouse and I had a feeling that Winter is going to be a interesting person to work with. 'This is going to be fun night.' I said to myself as me and Winter started walking to the warehouse.

Deathstroke Male Reader x Winter SchneeWhere stories live. Discover now