Makayla and August have been friends since they were babies and they grew apart when August brother got shot and he moved out his mom house and pursue his music career. But August is moving back home to be close to his mom and family but when he bum...
I woke up and I saw Aaliyah and she had looked so beautiful sleeping, I slide out the bed without waking her and head out the house to get some stuff but before I left I wrote a note and left.
I woke and I realize that Chris wasn't in bed with me then I got pissed off cause he takes me out and then leaves in the middle of the morning but then I saw a note on my nightstand so I pick it up and read it.
Good morning gorgeous, I know you thinking I just up and left and went home but I didn't I went out to get some stuff to fix breakfast for us and I didn't want to wake you cause you had looked so beautiful sleeping.
xoxo Chris
After I read the note I got up and went into the bathroom and went to brush my teeth when I was done I head downstairs and turn on my tv and watch rerun of Growing Up Hip Hop and when I was watching it I hear the door open and I know it was Chris so I walk into the kitchen and jump on him.
Chris: I see someone is up and happy to see me. Aaliyah: Yes am happy to see you. Chris: Well come help me cook with your fine self. Aaliyah: Okay.
Makayla Pov
I woke up from my alarm clock going off so I turn it off and sat on my bed and check my phone to see if anybody text me. And I got a text from a bunch of people.
Phone Text Message
Label: Kayla you got a manager yet? Kayla: No am still looking. Label: You have until your music video finish to have a manager. Kayla: Okay. Label: When you're doing the music video? Kayla: Today cause Chris leave soon for tour soon. Label: Okay can't wait to see it. August: Good morning beautiful. Kayla: Gm Auggie. *Gm short for Good morning* August: So what you doing today? Kayla: Calling up the best managers, and best film director. August: Well I have plans for us later on today. Kayla: Okay.
End of Text Message
I sat on my bed and start calling up the first manager that comes up in my head Dennis and when got on the phone talking I like nothing she had to say so I hang not trying to be rude and call up Russell Simmons.
Phone Call Conversation
Kayla: Hello good morning is this Mr. Russell Simmons phone number? Russell: Yes it is and may I ask who is the caller. Kayla: Makayla Carson but I go by Kayla. Russell: Okay Ms. Carson what can I do for you? Kayla: Well am looking for the best manager. Russell: First what label you sign with? Kayla: Def Jams Record Label. Russell: Okay come into my office around 10, I will text you the address. Kayla: Okay.
End of Phone Call Conversation
When I got off the phone I call up best filmmaker and Chris.
Jordan Pov
I had just finished up my last class when I text Makayla and ask her how things are and she said great so I told her what she doing later she said going out with August I was so damn pissed cause ever since she starts dating August and not going school anymore she barely spend time with me then I end up bumping into this girl on accident.
Jordan: Am so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going. ???: It's all good am find. Jordan: Oh my gosh you are so damn beautiful am sorry for cursing but it's true you are mind-blowing beautiful. ???: Awe thank you and you're sooooo handsome. Jordan: Thank you but what is your name? ???: It's Ryan Destiny. Jordan: That is a beautiful name, can I take you out and make it up to you. Ryan: Sure here is my number whenever you are ready to take me out. Jordan: Okay.
With that, I walk to my car and drive to my mom house and got out and when I walk inside it had smell good and I saw that mom cook so I ask her what is going on she told me that I got an audition for Unfabulous and I was happy and I ask her when is it she told me in 3 weeks and then I saw sad cause I had just met this fine ass girl today but this is my dream and I can blow it so I text Ryan and ask her if she wants to go to the movies tomorrow her pick and she was like sure.
Makayla Pov
I found the best film director in California so I got off my bed and head into the bathroom and turn on the shower and took off my clothes and got in the shower and let the water hit my body for a little then I start washing my body with Daily Silk for 10 mins then I rinse off and got out and brush my teeth again and head into room and pull out my drawer and put on lace pantie and bra and went into my closet. (Outfit in MM)
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Once I was dressed I grabbed my keys and drive to where am shooting the music video for Right By My Side. I got there in 45 mins so I got out my car and walk inside and saw the set and it had looked good and the director told me that am going outside and driving to shoot the video when Chris pull the director told Chris the same thing and we went to get ready. (Music video in MM)
August: Oh my god babe you look so fine in that music video. Makayla: Thanks Aug. Chris: He is right but I got to go have to finish packing. August: Well I need to get home so I can take you out in a bit. Makayla: So do I so see you in a bit.
With that Makayla got in her car and drive to her mom house when she got there she turns off her mom's car and walks inside and up to her room into the bathroom and turn on the shower and took off her clothes and put them in the dirty clothes laundry and got in the shower let the water hit her skin for a little bit then start washing her body with Daily Silk body wash for 15 mins then she rinses off and got out and dry off and went to brush her teeth then she head into her room put on a thong and a push-up bra. (Outfit in MM)
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Once I was done doing my hair I heard August beeping his car horn so I grab my purse and head out the door and got in his car then when I got in I ask him where we going he said to the movies then we need talk after the movies so we drive to the movies theater and told him I wanted to see Everything the movie so he buy the ticket and buy one big popcorn for us to share and we went to movie and wait till get pack and they start the movie. 1hr 20 mins later the movie was over and August and I walk out to his car and he told me that he is going on tour in 9 months and was like okay cause we not dating yet so I was fine and I told him to drop me home cause I have an interview in the morning and he was like okay.