Chapter 26

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Kayla Pov

I woke up and told myself that I want to work out so I went to get dressed and head out to the hotel gym to workout while August sleeping.

August Pov

I woke up and saw that Kayla wasn't next to me when I say a note saying she went to go workout so I wait for her but my phone started ringing off the hook so I look at the caller ID it was my manager.

Phone Call

Aniyah: Hey August you need to get dressed cause the label wants you to do those concert now.
August: You can call the label and tell them am on a break when I get back to New York that I will start the concert then.
Aniyah: Okay but anyways I need you dressed cause doing a cover with Sevyn Streeter for Vogue magazine and she wants to do a song with you.
August: I will see you when you get here.
Aniyah: Okay.

End of Phone Call

Kayla Pov

I had finished working out and head up to me and August room to see that August is dressed so I ask him where he is going he said that he has to do a photo shoot and a song with Sevyn Streeter I was like but we spent time together he was like that doesn't mean work stops you been doing work since we got here but look, baby, we will watch movies together but please finish the house. I told him whatever and got in the shower and wash my body 20 mins then I rinse off and got out and dry off and brushed my teeth and do my daily hygiene then I got dressed. (Outfit in MM)

 (Outfit in MM)

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Destiny Pov

I woke up thinking about Jamal and our date later today but I got up and get dressed and head out of the house and do my daily run when I finish doing that I head back inside the house and start working out.

Jordan Pov

I saw that I was in Ryan house and that we were cuddling and man am feeling Ryan it is just deep down in my heart I have feeling for Kayla and I don't know how but I always told myself that Kayla only likes me as a best friend and that is it but I got out my thoughts and got up and went to go make me and Ryan some breakfast.

August Pov

So I was at this photoshoot with Sevyn and man the photos were just fire and when the lady says we were done I say this beautiful chick coming looking fine as ever. (Girl in MM)

August: Hey beautiful

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August: Hey beautiful.
???: Hi how may I help you.?
August: I just have to say man you are hella beautiful.
???: Well thank you.
August: My name is August but call me by my birth name Anthony and what is your name, Ms. Goddess.
???: My name is Paige.
August: Well it's nice to meet you, Paige.
Paige: You too Anthony.
August: Wait can I have your number?
Paige: Sure.

With that August and Paige exchange numbers and August left Sevyn to head to the music booth.

Kayla Pov

I was out getting the last stuff for the house once I was done I call up August brothers and Trey to help me with this stuff when they came we put the stuff in the make look right and let's just the house had looked fine asf.

Trey: So where is August to help us?
Kayla: Out at a photo shoot and making music with Sevyn Streeter.
Trey: Damn that is fuck up he should be here chilling with you.
Kayla: I know but am cool with it.
Travis: Kayla I know my brother you should keep your eyes on him.
Kayla: Okay.

Well y'all can go the house is finish. Once the house was done I drive by my mom house to chill with her until August texts me telling me that he is done with everything.

August Pov

So me and Sevyn had finished this song and I was thinking about that girl today so I went through my contacts and text her.

Phone Text Message

Anthony😍💦: Hey gorgeous.
Paige💦👄: Should I know who this is?
Anthony😍💦: Yes it's me girl Anthony.
Paige💦👄: I know what do you want.?
Anthony😍💦: I want to take you out.
Paige💦👄: Don't you have a girlfriend?
Anthony😍💦: No we broke up am free now.
Paige💦👄: So when do you want to take me out?
Anthony😍💦: Today if you want.
Paige💦👄: I will love to but what time.?
Anthony😍💦: Tonight around 11.
Paige😍💦: Okay see you then.

End of Text Message

Later That Night 10:30 pm

Kayla Pov

I was at my mom finish up the last songs for my album and also texting and calling August but he wasn't answering the phone and I was getting mad cause that is not August.

Mom: Kayla what is it?
Kayla: He isn't answering his phone or text message.
Mom: Maybe he is out with his boys having fun.
Kayla: I text all them and none of them is hanging with him and his manager said he finished his music thing with Sevyn Streeter hours ago which pissing me off.
Mom: Well I don't know what to tell you, baby than just wait.

When Kayla mom said that, she got even madder then she heads up to her room an fell asleep.

August Pov

I look at the time and it was almost time for me to get Paige so I turn off my tv and head into the bathroom and turn on the shower and take off my clothes and got in the shower let the water hit my skin for a little bit when I was washing my body with Dove Men Care body wash for 15 mins then I rinse off and got out and dry off and went to go brush my teeth then head into my room and got dressed. (Outfit in MM)

Once I dressed I grab my stuff and call up my driver and text Paige telling her am on my way coming for her

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Once I dressed I grab my stuff and call up my driver and text Paige telling her am on my way coming for her. Then a minute later I pick up later and told her we going to a romantic dinner. I even forgot about Kayla but I don't have to tell her where I was.

Is August going to break up with Kayla for Paige?

Or will August cheat on Kayla with Paige?

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