Makayla and August have been friends since they were babies and they grew apart when August brother got shot and he moved out his mom house and pursue his music career. But August is moving back home to be close to his mom and family but when he bum...
I woke from my phone vibrating so I got up and sat up on my bed and check who text me and I saw it was Paul and Russell so I read Paul text first.
Phone Text Message
Paul: I love the video it is fire but you need one more song on the album. Kayla: I am working on it. Paul: Well what you doing today? Kayla: I have no idea yet. Paul: Well if you got time work on that song. Kayla: I will.
Russell: Hey Kayla your song Boo'd Up hit number 1 on the billboards. Kayla: Damn that is crazy. Russell: Look you are performing at the BET Awards next week Friday and you nominated for hottest you artist. Kayla: I can't believe I am performing already man this is a dream come true. Russell: Believe it cause every day till the performance you are practicing to make it your best performance ever. Kayla: Okay. Russell: Today you have a photoshoot and a tv interview so get ready. Kayla: I will see you at the photoshoot.
End of Phone Text Message
After I finish texting Russell I got up and went downstairs and start making breakfast for me and August.
Angel Pov
Since my best friend is in NYC with her boo I wanted me a boyfriend also but I want things to start slow and plus am also done with college. I went to school to get a degree in Business & Management so I can open up my own business. I have money in my bank account, my parents, put in there for Christmas and my birthday so it is a lot. Then I hear my doorbell and I saw it was Tyler.
Tyler: Hey beautiful how are you.? Angel: I am fine thanks for asking but what you doing at my house.? Tyler: I know we are friends but I want to take you out today on a picnic and a walk in the park so we can get to know each other better. Angel: I like the sound of that when we doing the picnic.? Tyler: Now I have the stuff in my car. Angel: Well you sit in the living room watch tv while I go get ready.
Angel heads up to her room and into the bathroom and turns on the shower and took off her clothes and put them in the dirty clothes hamper then she got in the shower and let the water hit her skin for a little bit then she grabs her rag and squeeze on Passionate Spell and start washing her body for 20 then she rinse off and got out and dry off and went to brush her teeth and head into her room put on Victoria Secret Pink set pantie and bra then she heads into her closet and put on blue flower dress, jean jacket, and blue pumps. Once she was dressed she put her hair up in a ponytail and grab her purse and tell Tyler she is ready to go.
Kayla Pov
So I finish eating and August ask me where am going and I told him out to a photo shoot and he was like okay but what doing later and I told him practicing for my performance on BET Awards and he was like okay. So I finish washing our dishes and head up to my room and into the bathroom and turn on the shower and took off my clothes and went into the shower and let the water hit my body for a little bit then I wash my body with Daily Silk body wash for 15 mins then I rinse off and I got out and dry off and went to brush my teeth then went into my room put on lace g-string, bra. (Outfit in MM)
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When I was fully dressed I grab my purse and car keys and get in my Dark Blue Dodge Charger then I pull off to the address Russell give me and a few minutes later I pull up and got out.
Torres: Are you, Kayla Carson? Kayla: Yes I am. Torres: Okay come with me your going to hair and makeup then dress room. Kayla: Okay.
Kayla walks into hair and makeup and they curl her hair and put a bang then put on a smokey eye on her then said her to her dressing room. (Outfit in MM)
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Once she was dressed she walks out of the dressing room and starts posing they took pics then she went to her dressing room came out naked and pose and take the photos. *An hour later* She was done the lady told her she would be on the front of Essence magazine and with that Kayla walk out to her car and got in drive Wendy Williams tv show a few minutes later Kayla parked up and walk inside.
Wendy: Everybody welcome our guest, Kayla. Kayla: *waving & smiling* Wendy: We got to do shoe-cam girl. Kayla: *shows her j's* Wendy: So Kayla you're the hottest new female artist out now how you feel. Kayla: I feel amazing this a dream of mines. Wendy: Every song you drop hits number #1 on the charts and the billboards. Kayla: I know and am glad that my songs are the bomb. Wendy: Well Kayla are you dating anyone? Kayla: Yes I am. Wendy: Who is it? Kayla: He been a long-term friend of mines and we reconnect a year back and now we dating, his name is August Alsina. Wendy: Dang girl all his fans will fight but good luck he is a fine ass man. Kayla: I know but I trust my man. Wendy: That is right but it is good having you. Crowd: *screams and clap hands.
With that Kayla got in her car and hit up Jacquees and ask him if wants to do a song and he like when now he said he come to New York tomorrow cause he is busy right and Kayla told him he better have the lyrics and he said he will. And Kayla drive to the studio when Kayla got there she parked up turn off her car and went inside.
Elijah: You like the beat? Kayla: Hell yeah that shit is fire I can sing to that. Elijah: What you calling the song? Kayla: Pull up. Elijah: I like that. Kayla: I got my lyrics already just waiting on Jacquees. Elijah: Oh.
With that, Kayla left out and got in her car and go to where she going to be practicing and when got there she locks off her car and went inside and saw her choreographer. *A few minutes they begin* Kayla and her back up dancers start learning their first routine. *Hours Later* Kayla them learn their last moves night and then after she and the crew left and Kayla went home.