Makayla and August have been friends since they were babies and they grew apart when August brother got shot and he moved out his mom house and pursue his music career. But August is moving back home to be close to his mom and family but when he bum...
I woke up from my phone vibrating so I got up and saw it was a text from August and a text from this male photo shoot person telling me what time to meet him. So I look at the time and I had enough time till 11 so I got up and walk to the bathroom until I fell flat on my ass and I heard Adonis laughing.
Makayla: What is so funny? Adonis: I fuck up last. Makayla: Shut up and come help to the bathroom.
With that Adonis help, Makayla to the bathroom and she run a warm bath and she got in and soak for 10 mins then she starts washing her body when she was done she rinse off and got out and dry off and told Adonis they are going to get breakfast at Waffle House. So Adonis came into the bathroom to take a shower while Makayla was brushing her teeth once Makayla was done she walked out and start lotioning her body and putting on deodorant. Then she went into her drawer and put on lace thong and push up bra then she went into her suitcase. (Outfit in MM)
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Adonis: Babe you ready? Makayla: Yes just give me a min.
August Pov
I was getting ready to get something to eat when Kayla text me.
Phone Text Message
Auggie: Hey Kayla wassup. 😍Best Friend😩: Nothing just at Waffle House chilling. Auggie: You with hubby huh? 😍Best Friend😩: Yeah but am about to leave. But what you up to? Auggie: Going to get something to eat and to the studio. 😍Best Friend😩: Okay am going to let you go cause we leaving.
End of Phone Text Message
I left out my house into my car I pull off to IHOP and once I got there I parked up my car and I got out my car and then I saw this fine ass girl going in her car so I run up to her.
August: Hey ma I was admiring your beauty from a far. ???: I bet you use that line on a lot of girls. August: Not really. ???: Well am not interested in you am sorry. August: Can I at least get your name? ???: You're not going to leave me alone are you? August: No and do you work here.? ???: Yes I work here and my name is Skyler. August: Okay Skyler am going to let you go. Skyler: Okay.
With that, I head inside and the lady gives me a seat and say she will be with me shortly.
Makayla Pov
Me and Adonis had finish eating and we heading back to the hotel. I know that Adonis doesn't know about me and August being friends so I soon I will tell him. Once we reach the hotel we head up to our room and I grab my stuff and we head out to the place where am going to take my photos.
Andrew: Are you, Makayla Carson? Makayla: Yes. Andrew: Are you ready to take these photos? Makayla: Yes. Andrew: Hey guys get her into a bathing suit and get her hair and makeup done.
August Pov
I finish eating at IHOP and got in my car and drive to the studio. A few minutes later I pull up to the studio and I got out my car and made my way inside where my assistant told me, Chris and Jeremih, are in the studio and I was like okay and walk in.
Chris: Wassup bro. August: Nothing much ready to jump on this new song I wrote. Chris: I fell you. Jeremih: Wassup August. August: Nothing much just saw this fine ass chick at IHOP today. Jeremih: Are you foreal? Chris: What about Makayla? August: What about Makayla? Chris: I thought you had some type of feelings for her. August: Nah she is just my best friend. Chris: Okay.
With that August got in the studio and start singing and then when he was done he and the boys smoke in the studio and chill and talk.
Makayla Pov
So the photo shoot was amazing I will be featured in the magazine which amazing so I was in the car with Adonis when his phone ringing and he answer it and then he was we need to go home asap cause he has an important call to call back and I was like the stop at burger king and get me something to eat. Once I order my food we speed home and he parked up and we got out and we make it to the room and I start eating and Adonis got on the phone. Once I was finished eating he was still eating so I got up to take a shower and when I came out the shower in my robe Adonis he wouldn't be here when I wake up and I ask him why and said he had to go back home to work so I was mad at his ass then he felt out the room to get something to eat.
FaceTime Video Chat
🔐Auggie😋: Wassup ma. 😍Kayla💘: August are you high? 🔐Auggie😋: Yeah a little bit but why you call me.? 😍Kayla💘: I can't call you? 🔐Auggie😋: I didn't say that I just want to know. 😍Kayla💘: Well am bored and I feel like talking to you. 🔐Auggie😋: I would love to talk to you but am going out tonight before I get my nieces tomorrow afternoon. 😍Kayla💘: Well I will call you tomorrow cause I want to see them. 🔐Auggie😋: Okay.
End Of FaceTime Video Chat
I had finished talking to August and I notice that Adonis hasn't come home with his food I call him 12 times and he didn't answer his phone so am guessing he out somewhere and forgot his phone car like always. Am so mad him but am going to sleep.
Do you guys think Adonis is cheating on Makayla?
What does Chris mean he thought August had feelings for Makayla?