Mina, MG, and the Hole

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       Should I go? No, she basically kidnapped me! Or maybe she was saving me from the gun dudes...this is just way too nerve-racking!

     "Come on. It won't take long until they realize it's a clone." The mystery girl spoke out. Her voice was stern and monotonous, almost like she didn't have any feelings at all.
     Well, I know something my dad told me. "Never go with a stranger." She could at least tell me her name before we go who knows where.

   "Well! I'm not going with you until you tell me your name!" I say strictly, hoping she'd take me seriously and wouldn't just turn away again.
     "My name has and will always be a mystery. I don't even know it." She said while facing the dark square whole.

   Well, on one side I'm happy she finally answered me. On the other side, I'm still a bit unsatisfied that I didn't get the answer I wanted.
      "Um, well that's sad and all, but why am I here?," I ask in a quiet voice. "I need you here to tell you something because I overheard the chat you and your friends were having." She said unenthusiastically.

   Shit! Is she working with Simmons or something? I don't wanna die like this! I wanted to die by falling from a large height or something like that. That would be a death I could get into.

   "I have no intention of hurting you at all. I just need to speak. This talk could save many lives." She said while interrupting my little monologue.
     "Eeeeeeeeeh....fine!" I said as I heard footsteps in the background. The men must be back!

   "Good." She spoke out. She then grabbed my hand and pulled me into the hole and put the board back.
     I heard rapid footsteps outside of the hole and a loud voice scolding the other men for letting the Mystery Girl get away. So, they're not after me, that's good on my behalf. But I'm starting to worry about what kind of life this girl is living.

    "It's very dark in here." I say, then I mentally facepalm because why wouldn't it be dark in a hole with something blocking the exit. "Very." She says.

   "Here, hold my hand." She says, as she probably held her hand out. My face heats up, never held hands with another girl since I was a kid. That was when no one judged most of your decisions.
    I grab her hand and I feel myself shiver. Her hand is so cold.

    She guided me around the dark hole and then she stopped. "Hey. I forgot, are you wearing a skirt?" She asked
   I check by pulling on the hem of my skirt and answer her with a very confused yes. "Then this may be a bit awkward." I was just about to ask her what she meant until she yanked my hand and took another step and we fell.

     "WHHHYY DIIID III AGREEE TOOO THIIISSS!?!!" I scream as we free fall. I notice the walls of the hole get more colorful as if we were entering a new dimension. I look to Mystery Girl to ask her what's going on but I get confused when I see and light tint of pink on her round cheeks. She was also facing the other way while covering her dead eyes.
       Then I remember the question she asked me before we fell. I looked down and saw that my underwear was visible. I laughed and pulled my skirt down, then I started to scream again because there was a huge white light coming from the bottom of the hole.
        MG (Mystery Girl) grabs my hand again and tries to project us into the light. I would ask why but up to this point I feel like I just wouldn't get a straight forward answer from this girl.

As I and MG fall into oblivion, I of course, keep screaming.

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