Hit the Gym!

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     After lunch the gang goes to the gym to work out. "Boutta get PUMPED!" Mina said in a very masculine voice. Mina was quite the jock, she loved the rush of adrenaline she gets when she does anything exciting. She was a full-on butch, she isn't afraid to get her hands dirty either. She even asked the headmistress can she wear pants instead of skirts which she approved of.
    "Calm down, because if you pass out again I'm not gonna take you back to the nurse's office." Castien snaps at her. "I'm okay all by myself Cas, I'm stronger now. Plus that was ONE time"

     Chris looks over to his hotheaded friend and sees a light tint of pink on his face. His smile drops and he stops the conversation he was having with Luna.

    "What's wrong?" She asks. "Nothing nothing! I'm just a little tired is all!" He loudly spoke making Luna jump a little. "Okay?" She awkwardly said while playing with a strand of her short purplish-black hair.
     Chris looked away and grabbed a handful of his spiky red hair. 'C'mon Chris, you have to be the better man.' He thought. 'If he hasn't already made a move on her then he doesn't like her!' Another voice in his head spoke.

    He slapped himself. Ow.
"Shut up!" He accidentally said out loud.
"Who?" Rose spoke as she adjusted her pink glasses. "NO ONE! Um, I, yanno. Never mind." He spat out. "You okay dude? You've kinda been on edge since he got here." Micheal spoke out. "No, I'm fine!" Everybody shrugged it off and walked into the gym.
      "I CALL THE TREADMILL FIRST!" Mina said as she raced Chris to the machine.

   Aiden quietly watched in amusement as Mina and Chris played multiple rounds of rock, paper, scissors to see who would get on it first until a shadowed figure caught his eye. Suspicious. He watched the figure talk to a group of kids in the gym, after about three minutes the dark silhouette walked off with the group of children.

"What was that about?"

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