A Dry Earth

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"We will never understand how crucial water is till the well is dry." -Thomas Fuller. Either half full or half empty, the oceans will always be made up of great amounts of saline water,. The ocean is also home to many different species who live in magnificent natural creations. Dumping buckets of trash into the water disrupts ocean life and ruins the aesthetic beauty of the "waterscape".

To the largest shark, the Great Barrier Reef is not "great" at all. It's merely a "barrier reef", something available throughout the seven seas. But to the average human being, any phenomenon not occurring on land could be considered interesting. Maybe this is because we have a love of the unknown, a love of the endless depths below us.

Now imagine if the oceans weren't there. There would be no Phileas Fogg, no Finding Nemo, no fish-tailed Ariel. Monsoons would give way to drought, plants growing on once fertile soil would shrivel like old men, and Earth would be hostile to human life.

Now close your eyes and think about what our world would look like 500 years from now if we used up all our water. Would it still hold its glory and have beautiful splotches of blue splattered around the green of land, or would it all just be an illusion created by the aliens of tomorrow?

Earth was and still is the only planet in the intergalactic universe that can support human life. And what are the necessary requirements for that? Air, food, and-- I can't remember what else. It's probably that rare energy drink the aliens have created.

But let's being ourselves back to reality. We need air, food, and water. After all, human beings are made up of 60% water. Isn't it strange that we get something we need to live from the outside world? It's not just us. Any living thing needs water, but if the rate of water pollution increases, this commodity will be as rare as diamond ores found underground.

Animals who thrive in the water will be forced to deal with the amount of trash being found in their habitat and have to adapt yet again. Seahorses are a creature that symbolize protection and patience. Is it really possible that they will stay this way if their habitat is ruined by plastic waste? Darwin's theory of evolution would be proved, with more meticulous, painstaking detail than ever before due to recent observations and research of marine life especially.

Now, if we work together, we can fix this problem and turn the Earth into what it once was. Let's turn the planet back into that green-and-blue marble floating in space, not a man-wrecked ball of pollution. Water is the driving force of all nature. It's something that cannot and should not be altered by the existence of man. After all, humans were only put on the face of the Earth by grace of a supernatural being, and planet was in existence long before human life. 

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