~God's Zariya~

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Jennifer opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was Harshad. He was standing by the window, looking out at the sunrise as he sipped on coffee. She then noticed that he was bare body with only his sweat pants on, hanging low on his hips. As her sleep fogged brain started to clear she remembered where she was...in Harshad's hotel room.


Jennifer laid on her bed in her hotel room, deep in thought. She was in Indore right now for promotions of Bepannaah. Harshad and her day were filled with radio talks, media interviews, and then a photo shoot in the end. After the busy day, both she and Harshad retired to their respective rooms. They will return to Mumbai in the morning.

Jennifer looked at the clock and saw that it was almost midnight, and for the life of her she could not sleep. She closed her eyes, but every time she did, Harshad's smiling face popped up.

She never felt like this before about him. From the very beginning they shared a professional and respectful relationship. Playing characters like Aditya Hooda and Zoya Siddiqui was no walk in the park. Harshad and she understood from the beginning that these characters were emotionally draining, and that is why they always goofed around on set.

It kept the mood light and they only bonded further through that. Jennifer smiled knowing that somewhere along the way, she and Harshad became friends. He was always to respectful, so sweet...so caring. He handled everything...he handled her.

But today...when Harshad said that she was "God's zariya" to bring a smile to her people's faces...Jennifer felt something shift inside her. He was never shy when showering her with compliments...but she felt something for him today.

She was a warm blooded female and finding Harshad attractive was normal. But today...there was something more. She knew that he found her attractive and she always playfully brushed him off...but then why couldn't she take her mind off of him?

Frustrated at all these questions and unsolved feelings, Jennifer threw off the blanket covering her body and wrapped a thin robe around her black silk night gown. Throwing caution to the wind, Jennifer walked out of her hotel room and kept walking until she reached her desired destination and knocked.

When the door opened, Harshad stood in sweat pants and an undershirt on the other side. "Jenny?" Harshad asked, surprised to see her standing in front of his hotel room at this part of the night. "Sab teek hai?" He asked, automatically concerned.

Jenny stepped inside and let Harshad close the door behind them. "I'm sorry...did I wake you? I couldn't sleep..." Jennifer began, trying to explain why she was here.

"Don't be silly...you are always welcome." Harshad brushed off her apology and guided her further into his room. "Is everything ok?" Harshad asked again patiently. He tried to keep his gaze on her face and not let it roam down her body. The black silk robe clung to her slim curves and he wondered what she must be wearing underneath. Harshad felt desire grip his gut and he put all his energy into masking his R-rated thoughts. They were co-workers and it was important to maintain that professional relationship for the good of the show. He knew he liked Jennifer and was attracted to her, but he never made a move because he knew Jennifer liked to keep things professional.

Jennifer hesitated as Harshad patiently waited, not sure what to say or why she even came here. When her eyes connected with Harshad's, she felt that familiar pull of desire in her belly and just went with it.

"Why did you call me that today?...God's zariya...why did you say that?" Jennifer asked bluntly.

Harshad blinked in surprise at the straightforward question. After a brief pause, he answered, "Because I meant it." he replied simply, not breaking eye contact.

"You believe that? It doesn't bother you that I sometimes get more attention than you? Even though this is your comeback show? It doesn't make you jealous?" Jennifer asked, trying to make sense of how someone can be so kind.

Harshad shrugged, "Not really...iss mein jealous hone ki kya baat hai? I'm the one that's lucky that you agreed to do this show with me. And I'm proud of you for achieving so much on your own." Harshad replied sweetly, not sure why Jennifer was asking these questions. But he could tell that her mind was restless tonight, and so answered her as honestly as possible.

That answer was her undoing. Jennifer realized that in that moment, this was no longer going to be a strictly professional relationship. Harshad saw the change in Jennifer's expression. It got quiet between them as their eyes locked. The air around them shifted...and they knew this was now dangerous territory.

Jennifer was the one to step towards Harshad. He didn't move back and that made Jennifer move closer to him. She stopped when she was only a foot away from him. When Jennifer started to move closer, Harshad's deep voice stopped her. "Jenny...soch loh..." he began, "...Agar yeh line cross kiya...toh mein tumhe wapas jaane nahin dunga." He said, his voice low and husky with desire.

Butterflies scattered in her stomach at those words. Is it possible to get turned on more with just words? Her mind made, Jennifer pulled on her robe and let it fall around her feet. Harshad's eyes followed the robe and trailed over ever curve of Jennifer's body covered in only the thin night gown. When he looked back into her eyes they were clouded with desire.

Knowing that there was no turning back now, Harshad pulled Jennifer to him and crashed his lips on hers. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back just as urgently. Harshad dives his hands into her hair and pulled back, exposing her neck to him. Jennifer moaned when he latched his lips onto a sensitive spot on her neck.

Harshad backed Jennifer until they reached the bed and fell on it. Jennifer took off his undershirt and grazed her teeth over his muscled shoulder. She loved his body...my gosh he was just so FIT. Harshad responded by lifting the nightgown and grazing his hands over her exposed thigh. They kissed again...and again...and again. Each kiss hotter than the previous. Each touch leaving a trail of fire behind. He used his fingers on her...and Jennifer moaned in response. When he used his tongue on her...she lost her mind.

He came back up and looked down at her. Their noses were touching as he hovered over her. Jennifer felt something in her heart as he gazed deeply into her eyes. There was something in the way he was gazing at her...like she was the most precious...the most beautiful thing in the world. It was in that moment that he entered her...and the feeling was glorious.

She let him set the pace...and she simply followed...

*Flashback End*

Last night was...something. It was definitely something. Jennifer would have never imagined in her wildest dreams that she would wake up naked in Harshad Chopda's hotel room. The memory brought a blush to her pretty face. He seemed to always surprise her. First with how he handles every situation on set...then with his impeccable acting...then with his kind words...and now with what happened last night.

Being on the shy side, Jennifer expected Harshad to be soft and sweet in his love making...and there were moments where he was just that. But then it blew her away when he completely took over. There were moments when in was rough...and it was fast...and it was overwhelming. What surprised her was that she wanted him again...just seeing him so relaxed; shirtless as he sipped his coffee...she wanted him again.

Jennifer got up and wrapped the sheet around her naked body. She bunched the cloth on the front and held it over her breast to keep it secure. Harshad turned in that moment, noticing that she woke up. Their eyes met and Harshad gave her a sweet smile... and Jennifer felt herself falling.

She walked up to him and he automatically wrapped his strong arms around her. They didn't know what will happen once they returned to Mumbai. They didn't know where this relationship will lead. They didn't know how this would affect their working relationship.

But those were concerns to be addressed later. Rightnow...they enjoyed this quiet morning together in each other's arms.

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