Confessions Part 3 (Adiya - Final Chapter)

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Hello guys! Here is the 3rd and final part for Confessions, my Adiya short story. This started as a one shot but due to requests I kept writing it and made it into a 3 part short story. I hope this part lives up to everyone's expectations.

This part has some mature content, so viewer discretion advised. Not alot...but this is PG-13 for sure. Also...hindi is not my first please excuse any grammatical errors.

I also realized that I have some non-hindi speaking readers. So i added the translations to the hindi dialogues in the comment's next to the lines. I tried my best to translate. So again, please forgive any grammatical errors or discrepancies.

Lastly, please don't forget to like and comment! Comments are what gets me to write. Other wise I feel like no one is reading. Enjoy!



Zoya walked into her hotel room, exhausted from the week of tiring work. Zosh events was hired a few months ago to plan a lavish diwali party for a business tycoon. The whole team was currently in Dehli for the party and was staying in a hotel located close to the banquet hall.

Zoya took off her stunning lehenga she wore for the event and made her way to the bathroom. The diwali party went smoothly, Zoya thought as she turned on the water to fill the tub. She made a mental checklist of the event as she added bath salts and scents to the water. The florist was paid, the DJ will need to paid his last installment tomorrow...she also needed to process the paychecks for Zosh's team. She was thinking of giving them a little bonus as well for a job well done. With Zosh now out of debt and bringing in good business, she wanted to start giving little treats here and there to the staff.

Zoya smiled and stepped into the tub, lowering herself into the water. She sighed as the warm water and scents released the knots in her body. It was a good feeling. It meant she put in a night of hard work. She leaned back in the tub and closed her eyes. Just look at her. Here she longer the protected...dependent woman she was. She was now business woman of the year...and she earned her place.

Zoya's mind slowly cleared as the bath worked its magic. The banquet hall was decorated very nicely tonight, probably one of her best works. There were diyas burning brightly as far as the eyes can see. She decided to keep the lights dim for the party, the diyas providing enough light.

Flowers cascaded down the ceilings with paper lanterns, only making the hall look more romantic. Zoya's mind wondered back further...remembering how she was lighting the diyas in preparation for the party.


Zoya sat in front of the rangoli she was creating. The color patterns were done...she was now lighting the diyas around the rangoli to complete the look. Zoya reached over and lit another diya with the one she was holding in her hand, careful to not smear the colors.

"Zoya the catering crew..." Aditya entered the room to see Zoya working on the rangoli, his words trialing off.

Zoya looked up and her heart gave a loud thud in response. Aditya's eyes changed seeing her...and she recognized that look. It was love.

The last time Aditya kissed her was when she went to his bedroom that night in the rain. That was approximately 1 month ago. Since then, Aditya has been courting her. They did simple things. Late night ice cream dates. Coffee and chips dates. Eating pav bajji at their favorite dabba. With each moment they spent together...Zoya got more comfortable with the idea of seeing Aditya as more than a friend. She felt herself opening up...little by little. But Aditya didn't kiss her since that night in his bedroom. He was respectful and didn't push Zoya, and for that Zoya was grateful.

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