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For those who have been following me or reading my messages know that I have been dealing with a serious case of plagiarism of my stories by another author. Large chunks, sentences, descriptions were taken word for word from my stories and being passed as someone else's. I wanted to inform my readers that this person has denied it even though I have shown screen shots as proof. Finally, she has revised the portions in her stories after a lot of fighting.

I want to take this time to address how much this affected me. I have seriously considered un-publishing ALL my stories, including Zaroorat, because of what happened. Writing takes an insane amount of work and effort and to have it so easily taken is like losing a part of myself. There was also a sense of helplessness...knowing that I can't protect my work. There is no point in posting my stories if it can't be respected or protected.

As readers, I request that you don't turn a blind eye to something like this. This is a serious issue and goes beyond me and my stories. If you see plagiarism, make the conscious decision to not support it. Do your part or you are simply being a part of the problem.

I want to thank everyone who came to my support during this time. I have seen the people who actually left comments requesting this writer to revise the portions taken from my stories. Remember, even inspiration needs credit and there is NO excuse for sentences to be the EXACT....WORD FOR WORD.

I had a writer once message me because she received a comment on her own story that there may be similarities with Zaroorat's story line. She was very upset and contacted me directly requesting me to read so I can decide for myself. Turns out there was no plagiarism. It was clear that she wrote her own sentences and no sentence was a word for word copy of mine. This was a genuine person who understood the gravity of the situation and maintained her integrity.

Thank you readers, who stood up and voiced their disapproval. I strongly feel it was because of you that this author took the necessary steps to revise the portions taken from my story. My previous request fell to deaf ears. It was because of these select readers, that I am able to overlook what happened and still want to write. You make the hard work worth it, despite what happened.

Thank you for your continued support. You showed me that you not only read my stories, but genuinely value the work I have been putting out there. I used to write because I enjoy certain ITV couples and writing is a form of expression. But now, I write because of folks like you who know when to step up and fight for what's right. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


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