The monster pulled you close, and dragged you to one of the boy's bedrooms. It then threw you on the bed and you took a long look at the hooded beast. The beast then slowly removed its hood, and you gasped as you saw what the beast looked like now. Under that hood...appeared to be nothing but a hedgehog. He had a gray Santa hat and coat, and it wore black shoes with white straps and gray buckles. Its colors looked all drained. He seemed to be less scary now, but yet a bit cute. Well...just less scary.He still had that demonic look in his eyes. "Wh-Who are you...?" You asked slowly. "I aM kRaMpUs...," he said, chuckling darkly. "Wh-What are you doing here...?" You asked, still a bit curious and scared. "And where is Santa...?" The hedgehog slowly crawled up on the bed, and sat beside you. "WeLl YoU sEe...," he began. "ThIs IsN't BeCaUsE oF yOu SiNcE tHaT's WhAt YoU'rE tHiNkInG...." That was what you were thinking actually. "ThE tHiNg Is...EvErY yEaR, sAiNt NiCk CoMeS bY aNd GiVeS pReSeNtS tO gOoD gIrLs AnD bOyS aRoUnD tHe WoRlD.... BuT dO yOu KnOw WhAt HaPpEnS tO tHe BaD KiDs...?" "D-Don't they get coal in their stocking...?" you asked. "ThAt'S wHaT tHeY aLl SaY...," he says. "BuT dOn'T yOu EvEr ThInK tHaT mAyBe ThOsE nAuGhTy ChIlDrEn WiLl TaKe ThAt CoAl, AnD tRaNsFoRm It InTo DiAmOnD...?" You haven't really thought about that before. "Or MaYbE cOaL iS jUsT nOt EnOuGh.... ThEy DeSeRvE sOmEtHiNg MoRe...PeRsUaDiNg...." You shivered as he said that. "Well as much as I don't like them...I don't think they deserve to die...," you said. He then leaned in, and made a smirk on his face as he placed a hand on your cheek. You blushed slowly at this. "BuT yOu DoN't NeEd To WoRrY aBoUt It...," he said. "YoU hAvE bEeN vErY gOoD tHiS yEaR...." You blushed more as he spoke to you softly. "B-But...," you said, but then, you felt the hedgehog gave your neck a bite! You gasped and screamed at how hard it was. He then growled as his teeth held on to the flesh of your neck. You screamed and squirmed, but he then pinned your wrists down! You whimpered as you tried to escape. And then...he leaned in to your ear and whispered, "ThIs Is WhAt ThE gOoD kIdS dEsErVe...." Your eyes widened and your cheeks flushed red, as he then started to plant kisses on your face and licked it up with his long tongue! You gasped and shivered as he then kissed and licked down your body! You then slowly started to moan as you felt how good it was. He then went to your lower region, and planted kisses and licks on it! You gasped and moaned loudly as you felt him seem to get inside you! You spread your legs and screamed with pleasure as he then bit that lower region! And then!
Everything went black....
Hakai Krampus X Reader
FanfictionIt'S tHaT tImE oF tHe YeAr AgAiN.... I hOpE yOu HaVe BeEn GoOd ThIs YeAr.... YoU kNoW wHaT hApPeNs To NaUgHtY cHiLdReN oN cHrIsTmAs DoN't YoU...? KrAmPuS iS cOmInG tO tOwN....