The beginning

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This is after Voltron ended, and all the characters are the older, photo up above. Not my photo. Sad that Voltron ended, but at least the fans can continue the story afterwords.


Pidge was walking down the hallway of the newly built base for the Legendary Defenders. Pidge was going towards a room in the building were Pidge and her mother, Colleen Holt, help create new crops and seeds for many planets and civilizations. Pidge walked through the door, and was greeted by Beezer. "Hey!" Pidge said excitedly. Beezer drifted around Pidge and flew forward, towards were Colleen was. She was wearing her normal uniform and was holding a tablet used for process of the plants. Pidge walked down the alley of plants slowly observing each plant, checking for any problems. When she got to her mother, Pidge peeked behind Colleen's shoulder, "What are you doin?" Pidge asked. "Well, im checking on the flowers that we had genetically changed to the Altean flowers, to see if there are any changes we can make for them to stay alive longer." Colleen replied. "Hm" Pidge mummered. "What?" Colleen asked turning to her daughter. "Oh nothing, just remembering everything that has happened the last couple years." Pidge trailed off, walking away towards Beezer, which was just watching them both. "Do you miss Allura?" Colleen asked, putting her tablet down on the counter. Pidge not responding for a moment, replied, "Yeah... I just wish she was here to help the rest of universe more." Pidge replied leaning against the counter, still keeping her eyes on Beezer. Beezer looked sad? (How would one do?) "But she did so much, she saved the whole universe from total erasing." Colleen replied, coming closer to her daughter. Pidge, wanting something to hold onto, clung to her mother, hugging her, tears running down Pidge's face. After a moment of them both hugging, Pidge released her grip of her mother, and Pidge moving her glasses up, wiped her tears off her face. "I think im going to check on Hunk, Keith, Shiro, and... Lance." Pidge said, smiling weakly. When Pidge was walking close to the door, Colleen asked, "Why did you pause when saying Lance's name?" Pidge, stopping suddenly, and turned around to face her mother. "Um, well, I, uh.." Pidge trailed off, blushing slightly. "Do you like him?" Colleen asked with a small smile. Pidge startled and blushing crimson replied, "What! No....." Pidge then swiftly left the room. Colleen looked at Beezer, "I think she likes him." Beezer, showed happiness in the way a robot does. 


Pidge was walking down the hallway to the communication room. Blushing to the point were you could barely see her freckles on her face. Me! Liking Lance! HA! Yeah right..... well I mean I wouldn't mind it... When she turned the corner, she bumped into another person. Both of them fell to the ground. "Ow" a familiar voice replied. Pidge looked up to see, Hunk! He was wearing his regular clothing, not in his cooking attire. "HUNK!" Pidge exclaimed excitedly. Hunk looked up to see Pidge, basically trembling in excitement. "Hey Pidge. Are you ok?" Hunk asked laughing. "I'm fine! But what are you doing here?" Pidge asked, stopping her shaking. "Well, I was talking with Lance about if there were any new crops and animals that we could use for the restaurants and for the Blade of Marmora." Hunk replied, getting off the ground. Hunk helped Pidge off the ground as well. "I was going to ask you if there was any new crops you and Colleen have made recently that I could try out." Hunk replied. "Um, well sorry. We haven't made anything recently, thats at least safe for people to eat." Pidge replied sadly. "Thats ok, we can made do. I mean its not like we need the any new ingredients." Hunk replied. They both smiled. "So, I was thinking. Should we get the old team back together and have some lunch at my restaurant? We could get a discount, or even a free meal." Hunk asked. "That sound like fun! When should we meet up?" Pidge asked. "Well I was thinking sometime tomorrow." Hunk replied. "Nice! I'll be there!" Pidge replied. "Cool." Hunk replied. There was a ping sound coming from Hunk, embarrassed, Hunk looked at his phone to see an alert. "Oh man, well I got to go. The main restaurant is having some technical difficulties." Hunk told Pidge. "Well have fun, I guess." Pidge replied as Hunk jogged down hallway. "Thanks!" He replied. Pidge lost signt of him, and Pidge continued down the hallway to her room, were when she opened the door, Pidge was greeted by the two fluffy aliens she found so long ago, and one of the mice Alluara had a connection with, the pink one. Pidge held all three of them and lightly hugged them all. Pidge couldn't find any known species of the fluff balls, so she called the species "Fluffs".  The green Fluff was named Peri, and the blue one was named Lapi. (Got to add those Steven Universe references) The pink mouse was named Alluara for good reasons. Pidge placed all three of them on her desk, and Pidge fell onto her bed. She took off her glasses and put them on her desk. Peri and Lapi both had there own little house in the top corner of the room, with a orange squeaky toy, while Alluara had a small little house hanging next to Pidge's desk. The house was made to resemble Altean architect. Pidge sighed as she thought about the next day ahead of her. After what happened with Alluara, sacrificing her self to save the universe, Pidge fell into a small depression. I'm so scared to care about anyone anymore. What if they die? Or forget about me? I wouldn't be able to take that again..... Pidge got up and changed into more comfortable clothes/her sleep clothes. She laid back in bed, and drifted asleep.

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