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I tried to remain consistent and keep all of Wally's texts on the left side and Dick's on the right.


Wally: Hey!

Guess what

Dick: ?

Wally: I got that popcorn kernel out of my teeth finally.

Dick: Wow!

How long that take you? 3 hours.

Wally: Yes.


Dick: Everyday you wake up, you go to work, you put sugar in your coffee

and you watch it disappear into nothingness.

But the sugar doesn't know why

Sugar didn't ask to be born.

Wally: Are you high or sleep deprived?

I honestly can't tell


Dick: Shoot for the moon. If you miss here's a gentle reminder that the moon's diameter is 3475 KM and you could not have f***ed this up more.

Wally: All I ask for is support. Is that too much to ask for?


Wally: You know how magicians will put their hands in their hats and pull a rabbit out, where do the rabbits come from?

Dick From the rabbit realm

It goes like this

The hand emerges. It is time. The rabbit must choose a sacrifice.

Wally: Ah. Thanks.


Dick: In Japanese they don't say moon

They say tsuki. Which literally translates to moon

And I think that's how language works

Wally: I'm trying to sleep


Wally: I still think 10 years ago was 1990

Dick: Me too man


Wally: Our relationship with ants is weird.

Dick: How so?

Wally: Ants are all like "Hey I only want these crumbs okay?" and we're all like "You most certainly will not!"

Dick: What class are you in right now?

Wally: English. Can't you tell?


Wally: I'm partially glad I'm not rich.

If I had an infinite supply of money I'd certainly have eaten myself to death on Reese's peanut-butter cups by 14.

Dick: So dying a warrior's death means nothing to you?


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