×Sports Festival×

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Skippy Skippy to the story!~

Miss A relates on the song on the media so much TT ~ TT

Back to the story~


*-->Y/N's POV<--*

"I really thought we will wear our costume.." Kyoka said.

"I know..." Ochaco agreed.

"Good morning everyone!!" Present Mic greeted.

I gulp.

'This is going to one hell of a ride...'


"What would be our first game?" Midnight said raising her hand as the roulette started rolling.

It pointed on some... I can't explain.. Or maybe im just way too nervous..!

"This is a race! And the one who got first would cost points! Ready, Set, Go!" Midnight cheered.

We started to run.


Todoroki froze the floor, So we couldn't move.

Perhaps im alert, I used Deku's Quirk and I repel in air.


I flew in air, Still, Shoto the first.

Slowly, Some of A-1 started to come too.

But then, Robots came like in the entrance exam.

"That's the first obstacle! Its like in the entrance exam! How can you go out there?!" Present Mic exclaimed.

Yet, Shoto froze the robot and ran down it.

"Ah! We can walk down there!" Some student said.

"Its way to dangerous, It got colder and it would lost its balance." He said as he continued to walk away.

I just looked at him.

"Tch!" I used Momo's creation and made stick to move above it.

Then a field came.

"This is the second obstacle, UA! It had mines so be careful!" Present said.

I used Dad's rope on his erasure.

Then, A loud boom was heard.

It was Midoriya!

Now he was like in our line.


Katsuki and Shoto started to fight.

"Ah! Bakugo and Todoroki started to fight here!" Present cheered.

I let out a 'Tch!' And continued to run.

Next, It looked like a spider web.

Todoroki froze it and slide there.

So as Iida and so all.

I used My Cousin, Vyvore's Quirk, Flight.

"And firstly!! Midoriya!!" Present Mic exclaimed.

I got out and panted.

My eyes widen.

'I... I didn't made it...'

I fell down on my knees.

"Let's see all of the results!" Midnight raised her hands.

Some of us passes like Shoto, Katsuki, Momo, Denki, And so all.

"We will have a short break!" Present said.



Ahh... Long long wait until I ud...

Did u wait for so long? Yes? Im so sorry you guys!

Im wasting my time for almost non sense and I...

Its just... Its our.. Christmas Vacation!


Im so sorry my fellow Readers!

Ill ud asap!


(Words: 431 👌)

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