2- broken

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you were washing his clothes, you didn't notice him checking in on you every few minutes.

you finished his clothes and set them to dry, you turned around and started walking towards the living room.

you saw taehyung laying on the couch, you didn't want to disturb him so you turned around and started walking to the bedroom.

he was staring at you during the process, all he could do was roll his eyes.

you sat on the bed, hugging a pillow as always.

you were thinking so deeply, you didn't know you fell asleep while sitting up.

taehyung, was curious of what you were doing.

so he got up and quietly started walking towards the bedroom.

he opened the door and saw you asleep while hugging a pillow.

he unconsciously smiled and carried you in his arms, gently tucking you into bed.

he laid beside you and opened his phone.


"don't go..." you cried silently as you hugged the pillow tighter.

taehyung looks at you.

"please... he keeps hurting me... stay with me appa, please.." you whispered.

he keeps hurting me...

those words kept repeating in taehyung's head.

"baby?" he whispered.

your breathing hitched and you calmed down a bit.

taehyung gently turned you around, revealing your cheeks that were soaked.

he wiped your tears and covered you up with the blanket.

you went closer to him and wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tightly.

"i love you.." you whispered.

you weren't awake, it was just a dream. but taehyung thought you were actually awake.

he closed his eyes and let you hug him to sleep.


you woke up finding yourself above taehyung.

wait what?

you questioned as you realized you were securely wrapped while laying on taehyung's body.

you started getting up but he pulled you back down.

"stay." his voice scared you, so you stayed.

you were tracing your finger around his chest, you didn't even notice taehyung was awake.

he was staring at you, you traced down a heart in the middle of his chest and slightly smiled.

taehyung felt butterflies, he doesn't even love you. what is this.

you laid your head down on his chest, taehyung still didn't move.

"wake up taehyung, i need to make dinner."

he pushed her off and laid down on his side.

he heard her say 'ouch' silently, he felt bad but he didn't care.

she went to the kitchen to make him some food, she finished it later on and place it on the table.

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