9- protective

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(^ok no joke this picture gave me the chills intimidating little-)


roaming around the store, you felt slightly uncomfortable by the uneasiness you felt.

i feel like someone's following me, you shudder and tiptoe to grab some candy for taehyung.

you smiled and placed it in the carry bag, you continued walking down the aisles and looked around for some more food.

"where are the eggs?" you whispered and furrowed your eyebrows.

after a few minutes of searching, you decided to ask one of the staff.

"excuse me," you tapped a guy's shoulder, he turned around with a smile on his face.

he paused for a moment before hesitantly speaking, "how may i help you?"

"umm.. where are the eggs?"

"oh, right here." he motioned you to come with him and headed towards a direction.


"thank you." you smiled and bowed politely, he smiled and walked away.

you payed for the foods and carried the bags back home.

you still felt like you were being followed, watched, you tightly grip on the bags and continued walking down the sidewalk.

it's pitch black outside, no one will be here to help me when i get kidnapped.

you sigh and crossed your fingers, after a second you heard quick footsteps behind you.

you quickened your pace and started speed walking, but the person held your wrist from behind and dragged you to an alleyway.

you gasped, wiggling your wrist and trying to get out of his grip.

"who are you?! let me go-!" he placed his hand over your mouth.

"shut it will you?!" taehyung whispered loudly.

you dropped the bags, hugging him tightly.

"i'm sorry if i scared you, somebody was following you so i couldn't let you walk alone. i'm sorry," he stroked your hair.

"who was following me?" you said, still tightly holding onto him.

"i don't know. it was a male so i couldn't risk it," he pulled away and kissed your forehead.

"next time, just call me by my name, don't come and drag me into an alley!" you hit his chest, he laughed and picked up the bags.

"let's go." he kissed your cheek and started walking ahead of you.

you quickly followed him and held his hand, you could notice the obvious blush on his poker face, but he tried not to show it.

"what did the guy look like?" you asked.

"he looked so familiar.. but i don't remember him." he shrugged.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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