3- ill

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—12:03 am

the front door slowly opened, you turned your attention towards it.

"hey." taehyung said as he came into the dark house and closed the door behind him.

"hi." you greeted him back and focused on the television.

he jumped and sat beside you on the couch happily.

"so? what happened?" you looked at him.

he smiled, "we got back together."

"wait you broke up?"

"i said we got bac-"

"i know, did you break up last night?" you asked.

"y-yeah, but that doesn't matter now. we're back together."

"oh, thats good then. congratulations." you warmly smiled.

taehyung's heart skipped a beat, "thanks."

"did you eat? or do you want me to make you some foo-" you got up

"no no, we ordered food and ate at her house. sit down." he pulled you back down


"did you eat?"

you looked at him, this was the first time he's asked something like this.

you were shocked from how concerned he looked, man, this guy can have many attitudes.


you actually didn't eat.

"no, i'm not hungry." you focused back on the tv.

he hummed in approval and you just dozed off, lost in your thoughts.

you felt your eyes getting heavier, you couldn't hold them open anymore so you started falling asleep.

without you knowing, your head was laying on taehyung's shoulder.

he looked at you, "y/n?"

you were in deep sleep, "ugh.." he rolled his eyes.

he got up and carried you to the bedroom, he laid you down and didn't cover you up.

he went to change into some pajamas and came back soon after that. 

he removed the sheets and went under them, he saw how cold you were.

he was too lazy to cover you up, so he left you without a blanket.

—the next morning

you woke up, freezing.

you sat up straight and found yourself on the bed, taehyung was wrapped up like a burrito beside you.

you slowly took off the sheets and went under them, warming yourself up.

you stared at taehyung's face.

his hair was so fluffy and messy, it was so tempting to touch.

you slowly brushed your hand through his hair.

he seemed to have enjoyed it, he came closer to you, you kept on playing with his hair as he laid his head down on your neck.

you started humming a song and he slowly started waking up.

he lifted his head and blinked a few times, rubbing his eyes after.

he saw you there and stared at you, thinking what happened a few seconds ago.

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