6- divorce

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guess who started crying while searching through pictures of him crying, god darn it


—the next day

"why did you cut your arms?" taehyung said coldly with a serious expression as you entered the living room, his gaze softened as he saw your swollen eyes and red nose.

"were you crying a second ago?" he asked, making you stop from walking to the kitchen and look at him, slightly nodding.

"h-how did you.." you gulped, trying to get rid of the lump in your throat, "how did you kn-know i cut my arms..?" you said weakly.

"i-i saw them when i came back home.."

"why?! why are you doing this to me?!" your sudden outburst made taehyung widen his eyes.

"why are you making me suffer, huh?!" you questioned as you wiped your tears.

"i'm not-"

"stop!! you know you're making me suffer, what's your point?!" you cried out.

"stop crying!! you're so pathetic!!"

"fine then," you went to the bedroom.

he came behind you, he slammed the door open, making you jump in shock.

"make me breakfast." he commanded.

"no. a pathetic and useless bitch shouldn't be working." you spat out, choking on your sobs.

he stared at you as you sobbed, unable to do anything.

"if you're just gonna fucking stand there then leave!!" you shouted and pointed towards the door.

he wanted to yell at you, but he suddenly felt guilt wash over him.

"hey, come here.."

"don't fucking come near me!!" you yelled, pushing him away as you laid in bed, covering yourself up fully.

"fine then, be a pathetic slut." he said and shut the door behind him.

"god damnit, i hate my life!!" you cried on your pillow.

you stayed in bed for the whole day.

—the next morning.

you woke up, finding taehyung exiting the bathroom.

you looked at him, he glanced at you and said, "i'm going to bring my girlfriend over, you could like go change and make some food." he clenched his jaw and left.

"she's coming over for the first time, woohoo." you cheered, sarcastically of course.

you changed into some black skinny jeans, these barely fit you from how thin you've gotten, you wore a long sleeved white shirt, at least it didn't show any of your scars.

you applied a little bit of makeup, you didn't need any, you brushed your hair and went out to make some food.

taehyung stared at you as you were cooking.

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