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A few days later...

Seungcheol stood in front of the boys as they sat on the couch, facing him.

"Soon, you will have to get jobs and earn money to survive. I bought a phone plan for you guys so you can communicate. Once you get jobs, you can pay the next bill. Here." Seungcheol handed all seven boys an unknown device.

"Ooh! It's the small box thing you always have." Taehyung jumped in excitement.

"It's called a mobile phone and I set them all up for you. Everything should be ready to use." Seungcheol smiled as he teached the boys how to text and use apps.

The seven boys were amazed at the touch screen, making it seem magical.

"How is this thing so small for all it can do." Yoongi said out loud.

"I have to go class now guys, I'll see after. " Seungcheol walked out the college dorm to go to his first class of the day.

The boys stayed in silence until they all got the same sound from their phones.

"What the fuck was that? The mobile phone?" Jungkook asked.

"Seems so...oh look, I think you press here." Namjoon showed them.

Seungcheol: hey! This is our chat room here on Kakao. We can all contact each other here😀

Jimin: I think my fffffffingers arrrrrrrre to fffffffffffat for thiiiiiisis....

Seungcheol: it's fine! You're doing great just don't hold the key too long lol

Namjoon: how do you type so quick. Where is the question mark

Seungcheol: I'll teach you guys when I get home.

SeokJin: what the hell is an lol?

Seungcheol: lol means 'laugh out loud' 😂

Namjoon: wait how did you do the question mark SeokJin

Taehyung: oh my God how do you get those faces??? They're so cute! Teach me!!!


Jungkook: oh my God, Taehyung you're too annoying. Shut up.

Taehyung: no u...

Hoseok: I feel magical.

Hoseok: this makes me feel high even without the weed.

Yoongi: why is this screen pressing actually making me tired?


Hoseok: I love it.

Seungcheol: this chatroom is a mess...

Jimin: wait, cheolie! Lol means laugh out loud??

Seungcheol: yes. I'll teach you more later. I'll get back to class. Bye guys.

Jimin: okay kys!

Seungcheol: WHATT????

Jimin: what? kys.

Seungcheol: you do know what that means right?

Jimin: Keep yourself safe.

Seungcheol: right...bye

Jimin: bye! Kys.

Taehyung: bye! Kys.

Jungkook: bye! Kys.

Yoongi: b

[Yoongi is offline]

SeokJin: bye. Kys.

Namjoon: bye kys

Hoseok: bye! Get high.

Namjoon: someone please tell me now

Jimin placed his phone on his pocket and went over to Namjoon.

"Here Joonie, I'll teach you." He smiled.

The nerd sighed in relief "Thank you Jiminie"

They smiled as Jimin cutely pressed the screen to teach him.

Yoongi got up and sat next to SeokJin who was observing the scene himself already.

"You see this shit?" Yoongi asked.

"Oh I see it. Namjoon's shirt is slightly transparent and I can't stand that goddamn sexy nerd."

Yoongi scoffed in jealousy "not that you dumbass"

"Jungkook how do you open the internet again?" Taehyung asked leaning up against him to see his screen.

"I don't know, get off me." Jungkook shrugged him off.

"Jungkook please!" Taehyung whined.

"No. Off me. Now." Jungkook glared at the huddled up Tae beside him.

"Ugh fine."

Yoongi rubbed his temples as he felt a very similar feeling. "I feel a headache coming...."

"You need a pill?" SeokJin asked, bored.

"Not that type of headache..."

"OH MY GOD! EVERYONE LISTEN UP!" Hoseok suddenly ran from the kitchen to the living room where they all sat.



"Jungkook..." He glared.

"What the fuck? Why do immediately assume it's me?"

"I can see the powder on your pants, you dumbass." Hoseok smacked his head.

"Bitch, that ain't donut powder."

"Then what is it then?"


*GASPS* "SeokJin! He's doing drugs!" Hoseok pointed at the greaser.

"Drugs?! OUTTA MY HOUSE, FOOL!" SeokJin said.

"What?! He does drugs all the time though!" Jungkook retorted.

"Yeah. But at least he shares it you dipshit!" SeokJin stood up ready to beat ass until Taehyung suddenly spoke up.

"No! He's not getting kicked out!" The sassy boy yelled.

"Why are you suddenly defended him?!" Yoongi suddenly entered the argument.

"Because.... because he gave me a donut too..."


"Jesus Christ. Goddamnit Taehyung..."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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