Chapter Two

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Detective Norbert glared at the windows as she walked through the tunnel that lead to the plane in which she was to be boarding. She would never have thought that she would be doing such a silly thing as this, getting on a plane to catch a ghost of a man that had killed a friend of hers.

Though she and Jessica Talbot we're not close in the sense that many people would expect from the coworkers, especially ones of the same gender and ones that were on the same team. They had gone out for a few celebratory drinks after a tough case was closed, but this was generally in a group. And besides, Magnolia usually didn't have enough time to go running around with women after work as she was always being called into the precinct at odd times in the night. Being on-call meant that she was often ordered onto a case during her off time. And the time in which she used to sleep.

She had since learned that the easiest way of getting through the days was to just go with it. But seeing as she didn't have much of a choice on most occasions, it didn't matter whether she went with it or not seeing as she would have to go in either way.

But striding down the passage to the plane with dull green eyes staring out of the window as she did so, she was nervous to get into the plane. Who wouldn't be just a bit frightened of flying? This was a question that she had not thought to ask herself before. Whether other people got pre-plane nervousy. Of course, she was about to go on a twelve hour flight, which gave the plane a lot of time to have something go wrong with it. A wave of dread crashed over her like that of a tsunami, waging war on her already conflicted emotions. Fear flared in the pit of her belly as she moved towards the plane.

And confusion took its toll. Why was she so scared of something that people did all of the time with no problem. It only takes one time, she thought to herself, contradicting the statistics and her own intuition. And besides, she was sure that people on the planes that had crashed hadn't thought that it would happen to them, but there they were. Crash landed in the middle of no where with little chance of rescue. Her eyes narrowed and she mentally scolded herself for being so cynical and narcissistic, she was just a horrible person all around it seemed.

Her step had gained a stomp to it had her curved eyebrows were almost drawn completely together as she moved. This earned a few quizzical glances from the companions following her and she shrugged to them as a motion in hopes that they would not try to pry into her equally confused brain. As she did not have the answers either.

When they reached the end of the corridor, there was a man with a woman beside him, greeting the passengers in thick New Yorker accents. She nodded to the man kindly as he waved her in, returning her nod with a wide smile. "Welcome aboard." He said to them, though his eyes did not leave her green ones.

The woman beside him was a flight attendant, her outfit making that clear, and she too smiled. While she was not the most incredible creature that Norbert had seen in her life, she knew that the flight attendant looked like a girl that Magnolia would try to pick up in a bar. Subtly pretty, with large eyes, minimal makeup, and a fantastic body.

A sharp elbow brought her out of thought and turned her previously lost gaze to Colby, giving him a hard stare. "What-?"

Before she could finish her sentence, he cut her off with a glance at the attendant. "You know in cartoons where there is a starving bear and it sees a flight attendant and she turns into a steak? You're the bear."

"That's ridiculous," she retorted. "And so what if I was, get out of my business!"

With an obvious sassy shake of her hips she strutted down the isle ahead of him and stopped at the first row of business class, plopping herself down and glaring at the man as he took his seat in the row across from her. She was at the window, and from here she could see the man on the pavement better. They caught her interest and she laid her head on the plastic wall beside her head as she gazed out onto the tarmac. Not looking up when Detective Merle sat down beside her, knowing that he was staring at her she turned more away from him. His eyes were scoring holes in the back of her head, but she stubbornly refused to look back at him in hopes that she would not gain any sideways glances about the way she had reacted to Colby's comment. He had deserved it anyways.

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