Chapter Fourteen

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The blinding light of the morning sun greeted me as I slowly opened my eyes. The smile on my lips quickly faded as I instantly noticed I was alone in the bed. Dom's scent hung to the sheets but he hadn't been here for hours. The hope inside me plummeted as I recall all the emotions I felt from him last night. Did he regret what happened? Was he only caught up in the moment with me only to regret his actions? Sadness swelled inside me as I sat up, the sheets pooling around my waist. The rush of cool morning air hitting my bare skin caused goosebumps to rise along my arms. Shivering slightly I jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to the left of the room. Closing and locking the door behind me, turning to the mirror above the his and hers sinks. My eyes instantly zeroed in on the fresh bite mark, his mark.

As an Alpha, Dominic's mark was larger than your average wolves, the canines more distinct and defined. I was amazed as I continued to stare at a perfect replica of Dom's canines etched deep into my skin. The more dominate and powerful the Alpha, the deeper and darker the mark. Dominic was nearly black against my lightly tanned skin. I have a much lighter complexion compared to most wolves, the pack doctor said it was most likely due to me being born premature. My skin only became paler over the years but I chucked it all up to always being on the night shifts for border patrol. I just simply needed sun, nothing more. Sighing I pulled away from the mirror and laid my eyes on the gigantic shower in the room. There were no doors or curtains around the massive construction in front of me.

To the right was a bathtub that looked big enough for two or more to be seated in in comfortably

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To the right was a bathtub that looked big enough for two or more to be seated in in comfortably. I don't know if I would even call it a bathtub, it was more like a small pool. One side had a cut out, where water overflowed into the shower. The shower was just as impressive as I took in the three large shower heads hanging from the ceiling.

Closing my gaping mouth I walked over the to shower, turning the knobs this way and that until it reached the perfect lukewarm temperature. As I stood under the steady stream of water as it rained down on me from above, I closed my eyes and let my mind go blank. I loved being able to clear my mind and center myself with something as simple as a shower. I could let every pent up emotion out, let it flow out of my body as if the water was able to wash it away. The fear, sadness and hopelessness that had begun to grow inside me the moment I realized Dom had left me was slowly fleeing from me. Opening my eyes again to search for soap, they landed on the irish spring body wash nestled into the built in shelves of the shower. A small smile graced my lips as I remember smelling faint whiffs of it coming from Dominic yesterday. I had always loved the smell of it and the fact that he uses it made me love it even more.

Squirting some into my hand I brought it closer to my nose and inhaled, my smile grew slightly as I faintly remembered the same smell on my father. Quickly lathering myself with the soap I continued to recall memories of my father and mother. Damn how I missed them.. If they were still alive, Mom would be gushing about the Luna ceremony and grand-babies. Dad would be be putting Dominic through every test he knew. It's tradition for the father of a high ranking female to put their new mate through a series of trials. It was to ensure the bloodline would remain strong and of course so they knew their daughters would always be looked after. First they would go out for a hunt, seeing who would bring back the biggest trophy. Next would be a night of drinking, this was always the hardest and honestly the most senseless thing ever. Yes we werewolves could get drunk it just took a lot more to do it. Most would drink anything that was 100 Proof so the effects would happen faster. They would drink until someone conceded defeat. The next test was a battle, it was not a battle to the death but rather a test of skill. The father had to be assured that their daughter would be protected. Dad may have only been a Beta but he would have given Dom a run for his money that's for sure.

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