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{Hi guys! My first Pokémon story! Hope you all like it!}

"Red! I've missed you so much!" A young girl beamed, running to her friend and enveloping him in a hug.  It was Red, her friend who five years ago, left for Mount Silver and never told anyone. It crushed Yellow, knowing that the boy who she liked had just fled, she didn't even get to say goodbye to him.

But now he was back, or so Yellow thought.

"How was Mount Silver?" She asked, pulling away from the hug and looking at the taller boy. Red left for Mount Silver when he was thirteen, he would be eighteen now. Yellow was twelve when he left, so she was just a year behind him.

There was a pause, Yellow waited for Red's answer patiently. After a minute or two she decided to go onto her next thoughts.

"I really missed you!" She smiled, looking into his eyes. However there was something strange about them. His eyes seemed to have lost a lot of their life, their fighting spirit, something very odd for Red.  But Yellow chose not to question it, and continued to talk.

"Red? You seem, tired?" Yellow noticed, looking at his whole appearance, he did look a bit disheveled.

"Red?" She called again, holding his arm, looking into his now tired, almost lonely eyes, this was not the Red she once knew.

But what happened to him then?

Yellow decided to do the only thing she could do. She started to run, still holding onto Red's arm and pulling him along. She eventually stumbled upon a small meadow, adorn with wildflowers and berries. She pulled Red to the center of the field and sat down.

She spread her small body over the soft grass, feeling it tickle her skin. It was so peaceful. For the past five years Yellow would take the time to think about Red. Even if she didn't know where he was, she wanted him to know that she was thinking of him. And deep down inside her, she hoped he was thinking of her.

"The sky's beautiful, isn't it?" She sat up, Red did the same. She looked at him. Although his whole self lacked the spirit it once had, she still found him charming as ever. Red nodded.

"Hey? Is something bothering you?" She asked him, placing her smaller hand over his larger one, his skin felt rough, almost as if he had been climbing. She turned his palm over, and saw all the red marks and gashes. He got them from climbing down Mount Silver.

"Red! Your hand!" Yellow gasped, normally red wore his protective gloves he got for Lieutenant Surge, but we wasn't carrying them when he returned.

Red nodded again. Signifying that he knew. Yellow stared at him in awe and disbelief. Why was he not talking to her?

She decided to set that question aside for now and focus on the more important matter at hand, literally.

"This will only take a moment, Alright?" She calmly cooed, and with that, she started to heal the open cuts on Red's hand.

To Red, this was no surprise, he knew about how Yellow came from the Viridian forest, he knew about her healing powers. But after five years without seeing her preform such acts, it almost felt like a distant memory, which he was able to grab and hold once more.

"Um, Red?" Yellow asked once she had healed the open cuts and bruises. Red looked down at her, over the years Red had gotten taller. He was about an inch or two taller than her now.

"C-can you talk?" Yellow mumbled, playing with her hair. When Yellow first met Red, she kept her hair hidden under a hat. Now that she was older, she took to keeping her hair outside of the hat in a simple ponytail.

There was a short pause, before Red nodded. It wasn't that he couldn't talk, it was just that he didn't feel like talking. Almost like he lost the ability to do so.

"Oh." Yellow sighed, slowly moving her hand towards his again. She gently held it and looked at him. The sun was starting to set. It truly was a beautiful sight.

"Hey, we should get home soon." She states, getting up, she extended her hand toward Red. Who instantly took it. She helped him up and they started walking towards the town.

{Cute walking Scene}

"Remember when we used to go fishing in Viridian Forest Red? Or when you saved me!" She reminisced about when she was little. It only seemed like yesterday when they first met. When Red bolted to her rescue when she was about to be attacked by a dragonair.

She laughed to herself, Red smiled. That was something Yellow hadn't seen in ages. It was a warming smile. Though it lacked energy, it was warm and sweet. Comforting to Yellow.

"This is your house, right?" She asked as they approached a small house, it was clean and simple. Red turned the door knob. There was his mother, sitting on the couch with a cup of tea.

"Red! My baby!" She set her cup down and ran to him, giving him a hug. Red practically towered over her. She was smaller than Yellow.

"I'm so happy to finally see you again!" She was crying now. Red smiled, stroking her hair gently. Yellow smiled before starting to walk off.

"Oh, Yellow!" His mother turned her attention to the young girl, Yellow was like the daughter she wished she's always had.

"Thank you for bringing Red home to me!" She waved as she watched Yellow walk away. Viridian city was not that far away after all. She recounted five years prior, when Red would walk her home. They would look at the stars and laugh and joke. That was when Red could still talk.

Yellow thought about the feelings that she had towards the boy. She developed them as they knew each other. When Red left, she held onto those feelings. She didn't want to forget them.

For she still loved him.

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