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Yellow's heart practically skipped a beat when she opened a letter which had been delivered to her that morning. It was from Red, requesting a battle.

The young girl grabbed her light straw hat and swung her fishing pool over her shoulder. Then exited her small home at the edge of Viridian Forest.

The trip to pallet town wasn't a far one. Yellow arrived at Red's house in about fifteen minutes. He was waiting in the yard, Pika was at his side.

"Red!" The girl called, running over and greeting him with a hug. He gently patted Pika's soft fur. It had been ages since she had last seen the small yellow rodent.

"Ready for out battle?" She asked, the boy nodded in response. Yellow headed to the other side of the yard. Pulling a poke ball from her belt. Red repeated the action. Bringing out his Ivysaur. Yellow sent out her Dodrio.

"Doddy, drill peck!" Yellow commanded, watching her Pokémon instinctively preform the attack. Doddy was her second Pokémon. The day she met Red was also special to her for another reason, it was the day she caught her first Pokémon. It was a ratatta, it had since evolved into a raticate. But it was still her most cherished Pokémon by far.

As the battle came to a close between the two Pokémon, Yellow decided she'd take a short break effort continuing. She asked Red of course, who politely nodded.

{After finding a spot to rest}

Yellow slowly approached the small stream. She sat down on the itchy grass and pulled out her sketchbook, flipping to a clean page. She sat there for a few minutes, drawing whatever she saw. This included Pokémon and her surroundings.

Suddenly, there was a small snap, which Yellow assumed came from a twig. She stood up, looking around. There was rusting in a bush near by. The young trainer paused, swallowing a small lump in her throat. But she suddenly relaxed when she saw that it was only Daisy.

"Ah sorry, did I scare you?" She asked, carefully making her way out of the bush. Leaves were scattered through her hair. She appeared to be looking for the girl.

Yellow knew Daisy through her friend Bill. Bill was a traveling Pokémon researcher, much like professor Oak. Daisy was a his research assistant. So Yellow was obligated to knowing her. She was a nice girl, always smiling. Much like Yellow.

"No, just taking a short break!" Yellow reassured her, showing her the sketch she was in the middle of completing. It showed the small stream in front of them, the large cliff that oversaw it, and the Pokémon that inhabited the waters.
It was truly beautiful.

"Isn't it nice? It's a shame that this is the one place where these dears aren't threatened by pollution." Daisy sighed, sitting down next to Yellow. Daisy was much older now. Her light brown hair barely went over her shoulders. She decided she'd had enough of her long hair, and decided to cut it short. Yellow thought she looked pretty with longer hair. But she respected Daisy's decision.

"Yeah..." yellow mumbled, she watched as the wild Pokémon happily splashed around in the crystal clear waters. She recalled when she was lost in Viridian forest all those years ago.  Many strange Pokémon in which she had never seen started appearing in the forest. It was a scary time.

"Cmon, you have a battle to finish!" Daisy smiled, getting off of the grass and helping Yellow up. They made their way back to Reds house. He was in the middle of  a confrontation between Blue and Green. Typical of them to fight.

"Oh brother, what's the trouble now?" Yellow jokingly elbowed Green. She spun around and saw the now teenage girl standing behind her.

"Oh, Yellow! Blue was saying that I'm a trickster! I'm not a trickster, right?" She pouted, making a sour face at Blue.
Blue and Red knew each other since childhood, despite being rivals, they were good friends. They both held a slight grudge against Green since she had faked them out multiple times before. But she had changed.

"Well you used to be! You're different now!" Yellow smiled, this seemed to ease the other girl. She turned to blue and sneered, "Told ya!"

After the dispute was over, Red and Yellow continued to battle. It was a close match, Red just barely won when he used his Gyrados to knock out Yellow's Graveler.

Yellow, unlike most trainers, preferred to keep her Pokémon the way they were. She cared for them to much to see them change. But eventually she had to let them grow, it was right before the final blow to Lance in the battle that took place some six years before. After canceling her Pokémon's evolutions so many times, they all evolved into their final forms. The traveler in which she chose to end the battle with, happened to be a gifted Pokémon from Brock of the Pewter gym. He was a close ally of both Red and Yellow's.

After the heated battle, Yellow bid farewell to her peers and left for her home. It was just about sunset when she arrived, so she figured she might take a short stroll and head back. She headed to her usual location, the Viridian gym. It had been abandoned by its leader Giovanni ages before, and was slowly left to crumble. It was just built up again a year prior, but no one was willing to fill the position of its leader yet.

Yellow thought about signing up. She always wondered what it would be like to be the leader of a gym. She had many friends who were gym leaders. Like Misty, Brock, Erika and Blaine. She traveled with some of them on her journey through Kanto. Getting to know who they really were and the Pokémon they specialized in.

As she made her way through the brambles and bushes toward the newly built gym, she noticed something scamper around the corner of the large building.

Yellow sprinted after it, eventually catching up to the creature behind the gym. It was a Pikachu. Judging by the shape of its tail, it was a female. It looked hurt, with several scars and scratches covering its small body. Yellow approached slowly, fearing the Pokémon had been the victim of human experimentation.

But the creature let her approach it. Knowing it was hurt, she pulled out a potion from her bag and quickly healed it. The creature looked happy. And it sprinted away quickly before Yellow had a chance to do anything.

She sighed, walking back to her home where she eventually got into her pjs and snuggled in her own bed. They were comforting. But not as comforting as Red's smile.

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