𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘶𝘮𝘯 𝘞𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘴

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Yellow awoke the next morning, it had been her routine for all of her life. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. Golden rays splashed into her room through the curtains. She swung her legs over the side of her bed and marched downstairs, she grabbed her hat and bag and dashed to the forest. She was curious if the Pikachu she saw the day before was still there.

And so she made her way to gym. Although it was rebuild only a year prior, parts of the old gym were still there laying neatly in the grass. Vines climbed high upon the cracked exterior of these parts, and plants sprouted through those cracks. It was nice seeing the Pokémon that would pass by and use the gym as a shelter.

Yellow carefully made her way between countless plants, bushes, and brambles, creeping slowly toward the patch of grass behind the gym. She quickly ducked behind a bush when she saw that the very same pikachu from the day before shifting through the tall grass, probably looking for food.

Yellow always carried a small pouch of Pokémon food and remedies, as a healer and child of the Viridian Forest it was one of her priorities to care for Pokémon. She carefully pushed past a few bushes and was now facing the pikachu. It looked scared and lost as it laid eyes upon Yellow. Ever so slightly, Yellow opened her palm to reveal the food. The pikachu slowly crept toward her and took a piece. Nibbling it slowly and carefully.

Yellow smiled, slowly reached out her free had and gently petting the small yellow animal behind the ear. It seemed to like being pet in that spot. Yellow noticed a small open cut on its ear, must've been from the brambles. Yellow opened her satchel and took out a bandage, slowly wrapping it around the pikachu's ear. It nodded greatfully afterwards.

Yellow then took a small pink flower out of her bag, in her spare time she collected plants and flowers for Oak's research. She placed it on the wrapped up ear, the small rodent let out a small squeak of appreciation. Yellow laughed and looked around. The patch in which she had followed the pikachu to was littered with sharp plants and jagged rocks. It must have been where the worked dumped most of the old walls from the gym.

"Is this your home?" Yellow asked quietly, the animal nodded. Yellow frowned. Had this pikachu really lived here? And for how long too? It made Yellow sick thinking of all the pollution in the world, people ripping Pokémon away from their homes. What did they ever do to deserve something like that?

"Is it...alright if I take you home with me? I have more food there!" Yellow asked, the pikachu appeared to think on the question for a few moments, then happily nodded and scampered over to her. She picked it up in her arms and slowly made her way through the sharp plants and vines.

It didn't take long before Yellow had reached her home. She did live in Viridian after all. Swinging open the door, she placed the Pokémon down, and it quickly found Yellow's Ratata, Ratty. As Yellow prepared two bowls of Pokémon food, she stared out the window. In the distance she was two young trainers battling. Most likely just for fun, Yellow remembered a time when she had just received her first Pokémon, and that being Ratty. She was also fond of that time because Red was the one who had taught her how to catch Pokémon in the first place.

Though it made Yellow both sad and happy to think of how far she had come since those seven, she continued to improve her skills greatly as a Pokémon healer. She had kept her secret hidden for so long, and only Oak and a few others knew about it.

Yellow thought about Oak for a moment. Then decided that she would pay him a little visit, he was just in the next town over, and they both enjoyed each other's company. He was a sweet old man who was an expert on Pokémon research. Yellow would always go to him whenever she saw or captured a new Pokémon. But capturing Pokémon was very rare for the girl, she was a healer, not a capturer like her friend Crystal from Jhoto.

Yellow exited the kitchen and placed the two bowls of Pokémon food on the ground. Both rodents scampered over and devoured their dishes quickly. Yellow laughed and noted that the Pikachu seemed to be having a good time. It was odd having a new Pokémon in the house, usually it was just her and her team of six, who she had stuck with for years.

As nighttime approached, Yellow had Ratty enter his poke ball. Then the girl turned to the pikachu, who tilted its head in response to her gaze. She slowly got down on one knee, and withdrew a poke ball from her bag. The Pokémon looked at her, and silence ensued.

"You seem happy here. If you want to stay, you're always welcome!" She smiled, the pikachu remained still. It quickly nodded and pressed the button on the poke ball. It rolled three times in the palm of her hand before clicking, signifying that she had successfully caught it. Smiling warmly, Yellow placed the poke ball in its place on her shelf, where she kept all her beloved Pokémon for the night. Yellow was proud. She caught a new Pokémon today, wait until she told professor Oak about this one!

The girl yawned, taking off her straw hat and pulling over an oversized shirt of hers. Slipping the hat onto the coat hanger and making her way upstairs to her bedroom. She made her way to her window and unlatched it, letting the cool breeze sweep her ponytail back. The stars were clearly visible tonight, and she could just make out over the trees Pallet Town.

That's where she would be heading the following morning.

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