𝘚𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘔𝘦

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Red yawned. Rubbing his eyes and pushing back his messy bangs. The sky was a light blue that faded into a purple, but the stars sill clearly dotted the sky. The time on his clock said it was around seven. The boy sighed, throwing his legs over the side of his bed and trudging downstairs. His mother had gone away the previous night. Saying something about visiting a friend in Saffron City.

The boy lazily walked to the front door. Swinging it open and taking in a big gulp of air. He looked down on the stone step, there lied a simple pink envelope. Red flipped open the envelope and unfolded a note of clean white lined paper. He read the note carefully to himself.

Meet me by the edge of Pallet town at 6:30. There's something we need to discuss.

The note didn't contain much. Just those two sentences. The raven haired male read the note over and over again until he was able to accept it. Whoever wrote it hadn't signed their name, but Red assumed it was either from Yellow or Blue. The handwriting between the two was pretty similar after all.

Nevertheless, Red continued to do his daily activities and set aside a clean pair of clothes to wear when he would meet with this mystery person. Yellow had been doing the same thing, accept she was in her own city getting ready. She had also set aside a set of clothes and took extra time doing her hair then usual.

Little things like hair and clothing never really mattered to the blonde girl. She never was concerned with her outer beauty, unlike Blue. Yellow believed inner beauty and strength mattered more. If you had both of those, then you would be fine. Yellow of course, had outer beauty too. But to her that beauty didn't really matter that much.

Today it did, however. She disliked the idea of changing everything about her for red. So all she did was style her hair and pick a nice outfit. She decided to leave her hair down for once, instead of keeping it up in a ponytail. She had picked out a simple dress, it was a creamy white and had ruffles that dropped slightly over her knees.

Along with the dress, she found a pair of black Mary Janes and clean white stockings with she pulled comfortably over her knees. She sealed the deal with a small yellow sweater Red had given her for her birthday years prior. The sleeves were so small that they only went up to her elbows. The main body part of the sweat was able to go down to her waist however.

The girl looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. Her blonde hair that lay limply on her shoulders. The light sparkles in her lemon yellow eyes. And the creamy white dress and the yellow sweater on top. She had been saving all these clothes for a special occasion, and today would be that occasion.

As the sun set and six thirty approached, Red began to wonder what he was called for. If it was Blue or Yellow who had sent the letter, he assumed they would talk to him about a new mission. Maybe someone was trying to patch some Pokémon and he needed to stop them. Nevertheless, the clock struck about six twenty-five and the raven haired boy left his home.

Once he had made his way to the edge of Pallet, he saw a blonde girl standing by the edge of the waters. Red had assumed that the person who wrote the letter meant the seaside edge of Pallet. When he saw the girl standing there, he knew he was correct. As he approached, the girl turned around. This girl was of course, Yellow.

She flashed him a bright smile and ran over. The blonde gave him a hug before grabbing his hand and pulling him the sea's edge. The crystal waters slowly faded to a murky purple as the sun set and the shadows invaded. Yellow let go of his hand and pointed out into the distance.

The sun was setting right above the water. It was one of the most beautiful things both of them had ever seen, and they had seen many amazing things on their journeys. Yellow once again turned to him. The boy could tell she was a bit nervous because her small and delicate hands were trembling slightly. Nevertheless, she took a deep breathe and began to speak.

"I know you aren't aware of why I called you here. But I assure you it's something important..." she slowly got silent as she spoke the last words. She stared deep into Red's deep black irises, almost as if she would be taken away into them. She took another deep breathe before speaking again.

"I know you can't speak, so I'll never know what you'll think of me after this...we were all upset when you left. Especially me, because you were such a close friend of mine. As the years went, I started to realize why I was so upset. It was because I was in love with you. And I had been in love with you for a long time." Yellow said. She spoke fast, but Red could hear every word.

"You left without telling anyone. It was devastating to find you were gone that one morning, and it was mortifying to go a year thinking you were gone forever. But I'm thankful you left in a way. Because it helped me realize I was in love. Of course, I couldn't tell you until you got back...but now we're here!" Yellow started, clutching her heart and turning away as tears pricked at the corners of her eyes.

Silence fell upon the two as Yellow began to cry. She had been holding in these emotions for a long, long time. She sobbed and sobbed, tears staining her checks. She heard a slight shifting of the grass, which she assumed was Red moving toward her. He pulled her up and gave her a quick kiss before giving her a whisper.

"I love you too..." he said in the quietest voice possibly. So quite, Yellow almost didn't hear him. Her eyes shot open wide and she quickly rubbed away the tears. Her eyes were still puffy from crying. Red smiled at her and pulled her into a hug. A hug which she quickly returned.

I love you. Don't leave me. I need you. I can't talk, but I can still show that I love you. I don't need to talk, because you already know that I want you.

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