Game Over Teaser

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Some ships will be changing in Game Over. Shallura will be over. I'm instead going to bring in Adam. Adam wasn't introduced in the show until after I finished the story. For Allura, I'm bringing in Romelle. Let's go lesbians, let's go!

I'm ending Hidge as well and bringing in Shay. But not until later in the story, shallura is sinking like first chapter. I've also chosen another path for Pidge.

Klance is ofc gonna stay, this is a Klance oriented story after all. Level Up had most of its focus on Lance, but Game Over will have more focus on Keith and his past. Lance's past will be explored more as well, but Keith will have the spotlight.

The main antagonist in this story is going to be an anonymous person(s) who keep leaving Keith cryptic messages in Latin. And then things start to escalate. But that's all I'm going to tell you about that.

There's going to be side plots as well as every good story should. Like Shiro and Allura's break up. Matt finally coming out as gay. Keith and Lance having some relationship issues. Pidge's great invention that I hinted to during the Hidge date chapter in Level Up. And a Hidge breakup.

I started writing Game Over months ago so I already have a description for it.

It's been 9 months since Anna was locked away and 7 months since Keith and Lance moved in together. It's now May and their senior year is coming to a close. This time of life brings its own conflicts and drama. But it gets even worse when dark secrets are brought to the surface by an unknown enemy. Relationships are strained more than ever before as the teens realize they don't know each other as well as they once believed.

Are you excited?

Game Over: Out Now

(Also, stick around for a quick PSA about Level Up)

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