🥀Them As My BFFs🥀

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⭐️Will cut you if you test her
⭐️Passionate about her friends
⭐️Complains sometimes
⭐️Is nice depending on the person

⭐️Such a sweetheart
⭐️But when you hurt her friends?
⭐️Better run
⭐️Is often confused as in innocent kid but that's not true

⭐️Goofs off a lot
⭐️Get yelled at for said goofing off especially when at bad times
⭐️Likes food
⭐️Can be clueless
⭐️She's grrrreat

⭐️Will roast you with no mercy
⭐️Very sarcastic
⭐️If you say something stupid she'll give you the "seriously" look
⭐️A very great friend and will support you

⭐️Comes off as rude a lot
⭐️Probably all the time
⭐️Death glares to people who annoy me
⭐️Trying to be nice
⭐️Can come off as annoying to some (most for me)
Is an okay friend (max is a amazing friend she just had her chance to shine)

⭐️Some thinks she's weird
⭐️Will fight someone for her friends
⭐️Is new(ish) to the school
⭐️Nice to you if nice to her
Idk what else to put because Jane's hard to compare people to

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