🥀Them as my fav Nia Lovelis quotes🥀

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⭐️"Edgar's a boy. I am a girl. Could we make it anymore obvious."

⭐️"I met a horse. I don't know his name but I'm going to name him Fred."

⭐️"Heres what I have so far. *shows bed with piles of stuff on it and a dog* Bing. Now obviously were taking Edgar too."

⭐️"Be very silent, I hear a ice cream truck outside."

⭐️"Peace signs. Throw em' up, throwing up them deuces."

⭐️"I got nachos and hot fries but I got water so it's all okay."

Tbh I feel like her and Dustin would get along because I could easily take any quote from her video diary and pair it with him

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