Ch. 7 - Viaticum

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I saw the birth of an Umbran Witch. Of course, at the time I didn't know what the hell they were calling them, but I knew it wasn't good. I never understood the how or why they picked the chicks they did but it made sense. Who's better at causing the destruction and fall of Adam than Eve? This was the most confusing stage of my life. Everything around me was crumbling which is what I did and didn't want. I wanted the order and power that I was accustomed to, but I wanted to be free with my buddy just chillin'.

Rodin crashes through the front doors of the cathedral of where Helios stands up from the looking pool. He sees Rodin's upset. Rodin rushes to him and grabs Helios by the arm.

"Take me to where the Lumens are being made!"

The two approach a white stone temple in the city of Vigrid. It's guarded by a couple of Ardons who move out of their way. Helios throws the doors open. Rodin witnesses a man being baptized under the watch of Iustitia via a portal using its child faced tentacle. Several men wait while praying until it is their turn to approach the podium. The man's submerged under water; it turns gold and shimmery. The tentacle levitates the man out from the water and he has a Lumen Sage halo above his head. It gingerly allows the man to stand on his own. He's a little wobbly, but maintains his balance. He smiles as he wipes his face dry and the halo disappears. He's hugged and congratulated by the newly made sages who just underwent the same process as a sign of brotherhood. It is truly a joyous occasion.

"Rodin," Helios begins in an alarming voice. "I've done what you've asked, now tell me what's wrong?"

"...Helios, these sages... will they only be males?"

"Of course," Helios laughs. "These men are specially selected; men of the cloth. With souls so deeply tied to God and—"

"—Inferno has Eve and Lilith is helping her."

Helios slowly turns to Rodin.

"And she will be our undoing yet again."

Helios rubs his mouth in disbelief but is slightly relieved. He grabs Rodin by the arm and leads him away from everyone else into a corner.

"Have you reported your findings to Jubileus?"

"Not yet. I needed to see what we have with my own eyes."

Helios sighs heavily, "My suggestion is to say nothing."

Rodin's lost in thought, barely listening to Helios.

"Though I've been cooperative Rodin, I refuse to work with and now possibly die by a human. And a woman no less! I don't care how these sages been enhanced."

Rodin looks at the men. His eyes soften because they are fragile regardless of what Jubileus has done to them. Making a contract with the Auditio wouldn't be enough. He would be forced to risk his life for something so insanely inferior.

"And if Inferno is already making moves," Helios says in a cold and calculating tone. "Who knows how far ahead they are compared to us. We should get out of here before it's too late!"

Rodin shakes his head in shame, "Helios."

Helios takes a step back from Rodin, "I knew you would do this. I knew you would coward away if the opportunity presented itself."

"Take that back," Rodin says mincingly.

"I do not fear you, Rodin. So, if you need me to redact my comment to make yourself feel better, doesn't erase the fact that it is true."

There's an intense silence between them as they both realize this might be the rift that will untimely end their friendship. Helios turns his back to Rodin.

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