The Bookstore

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The bus ride to your part time job at the used book store was quiet. When you got on there was only a white elderly woman near the front. You took a seat towards the middle, but far enough away from her that she wouldn't strike up a conversation.

It was an awfully calm bus ride for it to be 6 in the evening on a Thursday. But you welcomed the silence. You checked the schedule and saw that Jenna and Tammi were working. Tammi was cool and that's who you were closing with. But Jenna was a stickler for the rules. She snitched on you one time when you were only 2 minutes late. Good thing she would be leaving half way through your shift. That meant you had to tuck your navy blue uniform shirt into your jeans before you even walked into the store.

You enjoyed watching the passing scenery as the bus road around town. People watching for the next bus stop was your favorite way to past the time on the bus.

The next bus stop was after a light. You could see the bench from your spot on the bus. Two figures in dark hoodies were seated there. They looked to be talking closely.

The bus finally came to a stop in front of them. Only one of the seated figures stood up and boarded the bus. The other person remain sprawled out on the bus bench. Not once making a move to get up. The other guy swiped his card and began walking to the back.

You breath caught in your throat when you looked up at the hooded stranger. He was handsome. He had smooth brown skin. His short locs hung in his face, but it did very little to hide his blood red eyes. The veins around his eyes extremely prominent, though they seemed to be relaxing by the minute.

You eyes glanced down to his mouth he had thick lips which were speckled with blood. Longer than normal Gold fangs held the place were shorter canines should have been. His tongue darted out to lick away the blood. You thighs clenched in response to the pink muscle picking up the leftover blood.

You quickly looked away from the man making sure to avoid eye contact. You weren't sure what you'd just seen. You heart rate increased when you saw out of your peripheral that he took a seat in the isle diagonally behind you.

You could feel his eyes on you. For the next five minutes you could feel the hairs standing on the back of your neck. Your fight or flight response screaming for you to run. But your panties pooled in arousal. You'd never seen someone so attractive and scary. Your palms grew sweaty. Just two more stops until you got off. Maybe he's in costume. Nah it's December.

You took a chance and glanced back at the dark stranger. His face looked normal, no fangs or prominent veins around the eyes. His deep brown eyes were actually staring intensely at you. A smirk flitted across his lips. His eyes checked you out. You turned around quickly standing up and rushing to the from of the bus. You practically jumped off the bus when your stop came. The old bookstore never looked more welcoming.

You rushed into the store heading straight for the back restroom, after you put your stuff in your cubby, so that you could catch your breath and splash some cool water on your face.

After wiping your face off you stared in the mirror, taking deep breaths to calm down. Pushing the image from your mind you tucked in your work shirt and headed out to join Jenna and Tammi.

"Damn girl. You look like you saw a ghost." Tammi joked smiling and poking you in the side.

"Nah. It's just really cold outside. Should've brought my thicker jacket." You forced a smile onto your face.

The two of you caught up for a bit before you heard the bell on the door ring, a visitor walked in.

"Can y'all stop socializing and help this customer?!" Jenna's shrill voice aimed toward us.

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