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I could hear the cheers as my master dragged me through a small hall made of ply board.

I could distantly hear the barking of future opponents and the screams as bets were placed on me.

I growled and pulled against my master's hand that was wrapped up in my collar.

His other hand was slapping my flank to spur me on, "You better win this," I heard him mutter as we got closer to the ring.

As he moved a piece of board aside, shoving me into the ring, I ran along the wooden walls, growling and barking as I did so.

The lights were blinding.

A panel moved and another dog was shoved into the ring, the other dog took one look at me and whined.

He was barely old enough to be in the ring, much less a successful fighter.

It wasn't going to be a fair fight, but the humans were screaming for blood.

I walked over, growling and teeth bared.

"Rampage versus Nitro!" The announcer yelled.

I barked as the announcer said my name. I lunged as the collar around my neck lit up with electricity.

The pup yelped and retaliated by shoving his teeth into my shoulder before moving further down my leg.

I growled and shook my head, teeth lodged in his scruff.

A door was distantly kicked in, "Police! Put your hands where I can see them!"

That cued panic in the crowds.

I let go of the pup and he let go of me.

"Scatter!" I barked at the pup as I jumped the ply board, ignoring the pain in my leg as I bolted out the, now open, metal shop door and as far away from there as possible.
I wandered along a road and eventually found myself in a huge city.

All the humans were terrified of me, so I stuck to alleys and dumpsters.

That was where she eventually found me.

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