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"Agent Romanoff, your packages have arrived," FRIDAY announced, lowering the volume of the movie while she spoke.

"Thank you FRIDAY," Clint acknowledged for me.

Tony swiveled his head to stare at me, "Packages? What'd you buy? Did you buy me a present? My birthday's next week," he pressed.

"Your birthday isn't for another month Stark," was all I said, eyes not leaving the screen.

He gave an exaggerated groan, but dropped the subject after Bruce elbowed him in the side. It wasn't long after that the movie ended.

I still had half a pizza left, maybe Sobaka would eat a piece of crust? I picked up my box, "I'll be back,".

That's when Stark popped up, "I'll come help you unload the elevator," Tony announced.

He was quickly shut down by Pietro, "Since when do you do nice things Stark?"

Tony put a hand over his chest, "I am offended! I will have you know that-"

I cut him off before he could go on a rant, "You just want to see what I bought don't you?"

His jaw closed and he crossed his arms over his chest and sulked for a moment, "Yes, yes I do,".

I refrained from rolling my eyes, "Fine, but you're taking everything out of the elevator." And with that I got up and went into the elevator.

Tony was quick to follow. Jokes on him, he could've peeked into the elevator from the couch to see what I'd bought.


I heard a ding come from the box Nat had gone in.

I lifted my head and let my tail wag against the floor, was she back? I pulled myself up into a sitting position and waited in front of the elevator, staring up at it expectantly.

The doors opened a few moments later revealing Nat and another man.

My tail stopped wagging when I stared at the other man, that wasn't Clint...

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