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The man who'd brought the car followed Nat and I, who followed the lady who'd called her name into a small room with a tall counter in the center.

"Can you put him on the table so I can look him over?" She requested, glancing at the man; who, in turn, glanced at me before wrapping his arms around my middle.

I gave a whine as he picked me up before placing me on the table.

It was metal and cold. I didn't like it.

I whined as the woman grabbed my injured leg, so I tried to jerk it back.

She tsked a few times before letting my leg back down and poked at my shoulder, which caused me to growl.

"It looks like he was attacked by another dog, it doesn't look to bad..." she trailed off as she opened a cabinet.

"I'm gonna take him in the back so we can get him cleaned and stitched up, but he's gonna have to be muzzled for it," the woman announced as she held out the muzzle to Nat.

"He's more likely to bite me than you," she informed as Nat took the muzzle.

I whined at Nat as she rubbed my neck and slipped the muzzle over my face.

The woman picked up the leash as the man put me on the ground.

"He might be a while, you can go and we can call you when he's done if you want," the woman offered.

Nat folded her arms over her chest, "We'll be in the waiting room,".

That made me feel a bit better as the woman practically dragged me through the second door.
"Why are we staying here Nat? She said they'd call us," Clint complained as the door they'd dragged the dog through closed.

"If we'd left they would've taken their sweet time. I have places to be and so do you," I told him as I opened the door we'd come through.

I took the seat I'd been in earlier and picked my phone out of my pocket and opened the Avengers group chat, which had forty notifications.

Clint plopped himself in the seat beside me and pulled out his phone to do the same.

Pietro and Tony were arguing over what movie we were going to watch after dinner.

Pietro wanted to watch Jurassic Park and Stark wanted to watch Star Wars.

Robin Hood Clint sent, it took less than three seconds for him to be denied.

We're watching the Princess Bride I sent.

Clint rolled his eyes.

Steve replied before the other two did I haven't seen The Princess Bride. Do we have it?

Tony proceeded to complain about Steve's formality on text.

Just order the pizza Stark I sent before opening Scale and playing that, ignoring the spam of texts.

It didn't take long after that for my name to be called by the woman who'd taken us back.

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