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I wasn't sure how long after it was that I woke up, but it was still light out. Everything hurt.

I let out a whimper as I stood up, my legs were shaking and I was bleeding.

I didn't hear Natasha or the men who were chasing us, I hope Nat was safe...

I needed to get back home though, the others could help her.

I started off in the direction of the house, each step was agony.
It felt like forever, but I eventually came into view of the house.

Clint was outside with his bow shooting at a target, he was the only one outside.

I was panting hard, but I took a deep breath and howled as loudly as I could.

Clint flinched as he shot and his arrow missed the target. He turned and looked in my direction before he dropped his bow and took off in my direction.

As he neared me, I could hear him saying, "Shit, shit, shit, shit," on repeat. He scooped me up and started running towards the house.

I whimpered and whined the whole way to the door, which he promptly kicked in.

"Clint what the fu-," Tony started saying.

He was cut off by Steve, "Where's Nat?"

Everyone was panicking, "I don't know, but he needs to go to the vet like yesterday. Call Fury, Bruce take him to the vet while I go look for her,".

Steve took me from Clint's arms and headed towards the car as Bruce grabbed keys and Tony grabbed his phone.

Pietro and Wanda disappeared out the door and in the direction Natasha and I had gone that morning.

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