S.1 E.2 That Day: The Fall of Shiganshina Part 2

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Scene 1

JP: (Thoughts) They first appeared over a hundred years ago

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JP: (Thoughts) They first appeared over a hundred years ago. Giant creatures with the taste for our blood. They're strength was incomparable. Mankind was put near extinction almost overnight. Survivors built walls to protect themselves. This worked for about a century. Then everything changed.

[Hannes is still carrying JP and Mikasa]

JP: (Angry) Why did you come? We could have saved her? We almost had her out!

[Hannes throws JP to the ground]

Mikasa: JP!

[Mikasa runs to JP's side]

Hannes: Listen, JP. There was nothing you could have done. You're just a kid. You're weak.

[JP starts to cry. Mikasa squeezes his hand]

Hannes: (Crying) I was worse

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Hannes: (Crying) I was worse. In the line of duty, I was coward and ran the other way. Your mother died because of me! I'm sorry.

[Hannes leads JP and Mikasa away. Mikasa has a flashback of death]

Mikasa: (Thinks to herself) It's the same thing all over again.

Scene 2

JP: (Thoughts) The purpose of the walls was to keep the titans out

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JP: (Thoughts) The purpose of the walls was to keep the titans out. If one wall was broken through, everyone goes behind the next wall. The only problem was there usually one way in and out.

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