S.1 E.6 The World the Girl Saw/The Struggle for Trost Part 2

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[Armin is sitting on a roof completely out of it. Conny is screaming at him to snap him out of it. Christa and Ymir are with Conny. Mina is by Armin's side]

Conny: Armin! Armin! Can you hear me? I need you snap out of it! Say something! Talk to me!

Mina: I've tried forever but he won't snap out of it.

[Armin refocuses himself]

Conny: Good. You with me now? What's going on? Where's your squad? Why are you so slimy?

[Armin has flashbacks about what happened. Mina gets very upset]

Armin: (Screams at himself) You are so worthless! You coward! Damn you!

Conny: Calm down, Armin.

Ymir: Let it go, Conny. He and Mina are all that's left. The rest are dead.

Conny: Don't talk like that! There has to be more!

Ymir: Take a look around. No one else is here but him and Mina.

Conny: Why would they ignore them then?

Ymir: Maybe they thought they were already dead? I'm not surprised that Mina survived but I am about Armin. That's the real tragedy. Besides Mina, everyone else dies while trying to do their jobs but he's still left standing.

[Mina stands quietly. Not willing to say everything that happened]

Conny: Damn you, bitch! I'll shut you up for good!

[Christa rushes in]

Christa: Everyone, stop it right now! We're all scared! We're watching our friends being eaten like animals! It's normal to be upset!

[Ymir hugs Christa]

Ymir: Look at my Christa keeping the peace! We should get married after all of this shit is over!

Christa: But I want to marry JP.

[Ymir lets go disgusted while Mina looks away upset. Conny comes back to Armin]

Conny: Armin, we have to get out of here. Can you stand?

[Armin stands]

Armin: Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.

[Armin rides away]

Conny: Come back, Armin!

Male Cadet: Conny, hop to! We've been given orders to advance!

[Armin continues to ride away]

Armin: (Thoughts) I was wrong. This world hasn't become hell. It's been hell. I've just been too blind to see it. We're doomed. All of us. It's been this way since the beginning. Strength preys on weakness. It all makes sense.

[Armin has a flashback of him being beaten by bullies as JP and Mikasa come to rescue him]

Armin: (Thoughts) My friends. They tried. They knew how the world worked. They wanted to be strong for me.

[In the flashback, JP helps Armin stand]

Armin: (Thoughts) I was the one who brought them down. I was always the victim. I needed protection, but I always wanted to stand equal to them. I wanted to be strong like them. I wanted to be worth something.

[Armin snaps out of his flashback and falls to the ground from the air]

Armin: (Thoughts) This is how it all ends. JP tried to protect me. I let him down!

[Armin hears someone performing CPR. He sees a girl trying to bring her dead friend back to life. He walks towards her]

Armin: Hanna, what are you doing?

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