Chapter 26

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Jakes POV
Dennis looked at me with eyes saying he surrendered.

Ca: what did he actually do?

J: I can't say.

D: you don't care about her just like all of those others girls.

J: have you been stalking me Dennis?

D: I had my sources but they all ditched me since you got me locked up.

J: those girls knew what they were getting into. When it comes to my girlfriend she's all that matters. But when she was 5-8 years old you only thought about her too Dennis, had little dreams.

D: you said you wouldn't talk.

J: that's as far as I'll go as long as you don't push me.

Ca: is this like a thing that Dennis doesn't approve of you or something?

J: I don't approve of him.


Everyone looked in the cops direction.

I walked over.

J: yo wassup.

PO: your girl brought you this

He handed me a necklace with her name on a little bar.

J: thanks man. Tell her to go home and get some rest and I'll see her tomorrow.

PO: yes sir.

The cop started to walk away but I grabbed him, everyone was still staring but couldn't hear us.

J: dude are you scared of me or something?

PO: my son and the other cops sons and daughter talk about how scary you are and how you look at people and they run. Paul your eyes changed color when my partner tried to get Ms. Costell to leave.

J: just be careful what you say about her and don't EVER touch her or I might end up being here longer than two months for beating up a cop.

PO: yes sir.

The cop left and Carlos came up to me.

Ca: no cops pulled out their guns or ran at you for grabbing that PO like that.

J: turns out their scared of me because of what their kids told them.

Ca: man that'll get you out of here real quick. What did he give you?

J: a necklace from my girl.

Ca: what you did with Dennis was crazy.

J: I'm trying to get better with like being nice to people and stuff but when I see his face I just want to break it.

RG: yo man you got some cigarettes?

J: no

He pulled out a shank and I looked down at it then back at him.

RG: how about now?

J: no I still don't have any but I think I'm gonna take this from you.

I grabbed the shank and took it and broke it.

J: don't pull a knife out on me again. I'm not like the other guys hear I'm not scared of Dennis or being shanked. I've been shot, lived, and got into a fight while recovering. Leave me alone and don't ask me for cigarettes again.

The guy left and I saw Wesley. So I walked over to him.

J: oh hey Wesley

He tried to run but I sat down and held him beside me.

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