Chapter 16

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Erika's POV
Me and Jake went to school separately today because he had to go and get his stitches removed. So of course a bunch of boys noticed Jake wasn't by my side so they came to my locker and flirted with me.

B1: hi Erika can you tutor me?

E: you have all A's and B's

B1: I want all A's please

E: um

B2: you are so hot can I have your number?

E: I-

B3: I can treat you better than Jake I promise.

E: I really like Jake sorry.

The boys just kept on.

Kelsey's POV
I'm new to Ohio high today and first thing I see is a girl getting surrounded by boys. She must be the school slvt.

I see this girl all alone so I thought I'd ask her for some help.

K: um excuse me

U: hi

K: I'm Kelsey and I was wondering if I could get some help finding my classes

U: well I'm Unis (you-nis) let me see your schedule

She checked my schedule

U: oh we have the same schedule

K: that's cool, um who's the girl?

U: oh her she's Ms. Perfect also known as Erika Costell

K: is she like the school slvt?

U: oh absolutely not the complete opposite actually our school slvt left last year.

K: okay what makes her Ms. Perfect?

U: she is absolutely beautiful, nicest person you'll ever meet, so so smart she's ahead in all of her classes by three months. She has a full scholarship to business school and a modeling agency has already saved a spot for her for when she graduates college. And most of the guys like her because she's "pure".

K: oh

Then a REALLY hot guy walked in.

K: who. is. that.?

U: he's Jake Paul the hottest guy in our school. He used to be known as Mr. Perfect but he wasn't dating Ms. Perfect. He was actually dating the school slvt but he refused to believe that she was until he caught her cheating on his with his best friend. He was the only guy that never hit on Erika. He would sleep with any girl as long as you aren't a virgin and he doesn't kiss on the lips at risk of falling in love again. He's back on his way to becoming Mr. Perfect again.

K: I'm interested

Then Jake walked up to Ms. Perfect

U: aren't we all but he's changed because him and Ms. Perfect have a little thing going on. He can scare off any guy that messes with her and her best friend will scare off any girl who messes with her.

K: I always get what I want.

U: be careful when you break a heart of a Perfect meaning Jake or Erika you are basically shunned by every student in the school. No one will be your friend if you do that.

K: we'll see.

U: I can't be friends with you sorry

Unis walked away quickly and I walked over to the Perfects.

Jakes POV
As I walk into school I see a bunch of guys flirting with Erika. I got up behind her and wrap my arm around her.

J: hey boys

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