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Three months passed, before Erin finally decided to do something. She had felt nauseas every single day- and she noticed a weight gain and cravings. Emily heard about Erin and immediately came over with a plastic bag filled with three different brands of pregnancy tests. Erin took all three- and got 3/3 positive results. Emily smiled and hugged Erin tightly once she heard the news. "I'm pregnant," Erin mumbled.

"Erin, I'll be by your side- I promise you," Emily said. "Hell, I'll even help pay for some of your maternity clothes and clothes for the kid."

Erin smiled, "please don't."

Emily thought for a little and said, "I insist. You're not gonna go through this alone."

"Fine," Erin rolling her eyes at how cheesy Em said it.

"But, you need to tell Ashton, Kylee, Keira, Michael, and your parents," Emily said. "Pinky promise?" She them asked her sticking out her pinky for Erin to shake. Erin shook Emily's pinky. "Good, tell him now."

"I can-, whatever," Erin said and pulled out her phone.

Come over to my place, we need to talk (:

Emily looked over at Erin's phone and gave her a thumbs up.

Ashton was sitting on his couch watching reruns of Four Weddings with Michael. "That wedding looks fucking lame," he complained to Michael.

"They sound like a lovely couple- and kudos for their marriage, but why the fuck would they have that as a theme?" Michael screamed and chugged down some more beer.

"I don't know, man," Ashton said and quickly glanced at his phone. "Erin texted," he smiled. Michael choked on his beer for a second, Kylee suspected that she was pregnant a while ago- and of course he also suspected it. "She wants me to come over, later," he squinted at his phone.

"Yeah, it's fine. You can go over to her house," Michael awkwardly laughed. Ashton shot him a confused look, "what?"

okay babe, be there at 6 :))))) xoxoxo

"God, you're so lame," Michael said.

"A lame person, that's going to a girl's house," Ashton smirked.

Michael laughed, "buy her some Daisies. I've overheard her telling Kylee that she's a 'sucker for daisies'. Buy her a fucking card saying, 'sorry I'm the doofus that created that bab-." Ashton looked really- really confused at what Michael said. "Uh, did I say that? I clearly meant that you should write on the card, 'I'm the doofus that wants to date you," Michael laughed awkwardly and slapped himself in the face.


Going by Michael's instructions, Ashton of course bought her some Daisies and a card. Ashton knocked three times on Erin's door, Erin only answering it on the third knock. She smiled widely and let him in. "Uh, sit down," she said.

"You're not cooking- are you?" Ashton said.

Erin sighed and said, "I don't know- I just want this to be perfect."

"This is already perfect, enough," Erin blushed and placed some Chicken and Rice onto his and her plate. She sat in a chair in front of you. "Uh, these are for you. Michael said that Daisies are your favorite," Ashton said.

"You're right, they're my favorite flower, but you don't have to give me these flowers," Erin said.

"I really have to," Ashton giggled.

"I guess I should tell you, now," Erin sighed. Ashton held her hand and looked into her eyes with protection. "I'm pregnant," Erin said.

Ashton smiled like a dork, "this was really unexpected, but I feel like we all could make this out alive."

"Wait, backtrack, you're not going to kill me?"

"Hell no," Ashton said. Erin took a deep breath in relaxation. "Baby, don't cry."

"I'm not gonna cry," Erin smiled.

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