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"Ashton, get the fuck up," Erin said as she felt her water break.

"Baby, five more minutes," he said.

Erin felt another pain before saying, "my water just fucking broke!" Ashton immediately jolted his eyes open. "Fuck," she mumbled as she tried to get her stuff together.

"Here baby, let me do it. Deep breaths," Ashton said kissing her forehead. He grabbed a bunch of her clothes and toiletries and threw it into a duffle bag.

"Hurry the hell up!" Erin yelled.

"Okay baby, we're going to drive to the hospital now. You're gonna get it done and over with- and then we'll have our little princess," Ashton smiled and grabbed her hand. He swung her duffle bag over his shoulders and walked her to his car. He opened the car for her- with a smile. She sat down in the passenger seat and he ran to the driver's seat. "We will be at the hospital in 5 minutes, don't worry, baby," he smiled and rushed to the hospital.


It has been 12 hours of excruciating pain for Erin. "Okay, she's ready," the nurse said.

"Are you ready?" Ashton asked her.

"Uh huh," Erin said.

"On the count of three, start pushing as hard as you can," the doctor said.



"3." Erin started pushing as hard as she could. Screams and mumbled I hate yous came from her mouth, and with each push he held her hand tighter.

"Baby, you can do this," he mumbled into her hands.

"The head is our," the doctor said. "Keep pushing!"

Erin let out a loud scream and kept pushing harder and harder every time. Push harder kept on replaying in her head, and before she knew it the doctors yelled, "congratulations, she's out!"

Erin let out a huge sigh as they gave Ashton a pair of scissors to cut the umbilical chord off. "She's beautiful," he smiled and cut off the chord. She smiled as she heard the loud cries of her daughter.

"Can I hold her?" Erin asked the doctors.

"We will give her to you, once we're done cleaning her up," they smiled. Ashton stood next to Erin and smiled like a 5 year old on Christmas.

"You did a very good job, gorgeous," Ashton said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She blushed and then giggled.

"That was very painful," she smiled.

"Hey, now it's over and we have our little princess here to make it ten times better," he said and pecked her lips.

"I love you," she said. Erin was in love with him- for sure. Especially, right now.

"I love you too, gorgeous," he smiled.

"Here is Baby Girl Irwin," the nurse said as she handed Erin her daughter.

"Her name is Braelyn Trouble," Ashton smiled.

Erin played with Braelyn's tiny fingers, "hi, princess." She cried harder, but began to cry softer as her mom kissed her forehead. Ashton grabbed his phone from his pocket and took a picture of the two.

"Two of my favorite girls," he said- almost in tears.


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