_chapter 4_ ~˚∘Meet U♡~

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I was staring at this pic the whole time and can't get enough of itㅠㅠ♡


I hear someone was calling me. It's probably just my friends. As much as I don't want to stop myself from looking at that tall lanky figure, I'll just ignore them. They probably talking about the break up with Nina since I saw she've been sulk around just get their attention. Hyungwon walk out of class, I couldn't help but stare at him until he disappear. I sense he wasn't okay for the whole class and now he has his face down and—GEEZ why do I care so much anyway? But he is attractive.
Then I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn around to see jooheon and minhyuk.

"We just heard you break up with Nina"

"Yeah hyung, and she is begging at us to fix it" minhyuk said with frown.

"Fix? Didn't I tell her it was over" I said and let out a heavily sign.

"Look we don't want to bother you but can you at least tell us what've happened and why?" Jooheon ask and both waiting for an answer.

"It's not a big deal! I just want to break up with her" Wonho said simply and shrug.

"But Why?" Both minhyuk and jooheon ask.

"It's just I'm sure that I've never ever been in loved with her. I felt nothing"

"Are you sure?" Minhyuk raise one of his eyebrow.

"More than sure Min"

"I see..." jooheon said quietly. He could only give an apologetic look.

"Sorry hyung... we thought that would be better but turn ou-''

"No! U Don't need to apologize. It's okay." I said with a smile.

Suddenly, we saw shownu approach us.

" guy...[breath heavily] have ya'll seen my hyunnie?" Shownu said with a worry expression.

"No[turn to look around] why? Are you two fight?" Minhyuk asked.

"Mmm...maybe...yeah?[shake head]-but I just saw him ran off quickly and when I ran after to approach him, he yell at me to leave him alone!"

"Then just leave him alone" I said and roll my eyes.

"Geez!!! Wonhoe" shownu hiss and glare at me.

"I'll go now guy! Bye." Then he continued to ran.

"Look like everyone are having relationship issues"

"And we're the best couple ever!" Minhyuk squeal and happily hug jooheon.

"I'll get my going now guy"

"But we still have another one class"

"I'll skip it. I don't feel well"


I left and find somewhere else to relax... roof top. I didn't feel sad though. I just feel like... I'm not okay... but I don't feel broken. Maybe a little too lonely. As I went there, I didn't expect to see him there. Hyungwon's there ,too. Wow... that great. I saw him sitting and close his eye. I hate to mention this again but... He is quite attractive. I walk there quietly and sit beside him. Watching the wind blow to his gray hair.

His smooth skin

His jaw line

His plump lip

His weird shape but cute nose

His cubby cheek

His long eyelashes

And his eyes

Ohh... his big brown eye that is now opening and looking into mine.


Forgive my poor grammar*

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