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Skip school it's boring

I got home and Kyle told me to do his homework I did it just bc I know I didn't like doing mine in 7th grade so I did It now I'm on my room I got a text from Payton

Payt❣️-hey how'd it go with Joey

Me-good I guess we talked like normal so... I guess good

Payt❣️- ok cool talk to ya later I guess

Me- ok bye

*Next day*

*In school*

Joey-hey I got a question


Joey- will u date me?

Me-awe yea I will



And with that we finished the day

2 months later

Me and Joey have went on 1 date and that was 2 days after we started dating when me and Payton dated in 6th grade which was not sierras but we dated for 1 month and he took me on 4 dates idk maybe that's just how Joey is but he has been ignoring me the past 2 weeks idk why

*At school*

Me-hey Joey wanna hang after school

He just looked at his phone and wa texting someone

I took his phone and ran to the girls bathroom

Joey- Reagan give it to me I can't walk in there

Me-no and oh well

I looked at it and it showed him texting a Lexi girl huh I'm confused so I looked through the texts and he was asking her for nudes wtf she didn't send them thankfully but why would he ask taht by now I'm crying so hard

Joey-Reagan I'm sry

I walked out and threw his phone at him not caring where it landed I walked to the table outside and got my phone out still crying I called Payton he was in class I forgot but he answered and said he'll call me later I could here the teacher yelling at him in the background

Me- o-ok bye

Payton-wait are y crying

Me-it's fine call me a later

Payton-no what's wrong

I could here his teacher yelling at him still I heard him say this to his teacher...

Payton-go away my best friend is crying

Me-p-Payton stop stay and call me later

Payton-no I'm coming where are u

Me-table outside

Payton-ok I'll be there

Me-ok b-bye

Soon enough he came I still can't believe Joey didn't come

Payton-hey it's ok what's wrong

Me-j-Joey cheated on me

Payton wrapped his arms around me and held me tight

Payton-it's ok he means nothing u deserve the whole world it's ok shshsh

Me-I love you Payton

Payton-I love you to

Payton-calm down its ok I'm here


Hope u like it!!

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