The Old Fox's Tail

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Rosie heard the laughs from the dining room and frowned. Kelt was eating his chicken with mashed potatoes and bacon. She had nibbled on the gravy with her fingers, not being able to eat, even though she was hungry. All the maids were in the kitchen, some eating on the floor or standing up. The plates were being filled by Ludivina, while Fiona was passing the whisky. The bottle had died in Kelt's glass. 

Rosie had warned him not to speak about the Berkley's situation in front of the staff. She had trouble realizing that everyone outside of the castle knew their situation except them. It was like they lived in an alternate reality, seldom going to town and living with the rest of the common folk. She felt like one of those princesses who were cast out of society. Rapunzel had nothing on her. 

More than that, she was worried for Samuel. The poor lad was about to have his life turned upside down. He already despised his father and that news was about to shatter the small fraction of relationship they had. How were they supposed to live with no money? She had no idea how they survived that long since the factories were all sold last year to the bank. She had to ask Samuel how the meeting was. 

"What's the matter, lass?", Isla said. The Scottish maid with the two red braids was eyeing her with concern. Rosie smiled and finished her shot of whisky. "Bummed the Old Fox's back", she said, trying to imitate the Scottish accent. They all laughed while Allie, the oldest maid in the castle, spat next to her. "Do no speak o'the devil, Child. Or he'll take ye in his hot castle". Rosie chocked while laughing with the rest. "We had a good year without him. Now we'll have to wake up early", Ludivina said. "And welcome his never-ending parade of guests", another maid said. "Clean the bathroom twice. Even from the unused rooms. And there's a lot of empty rooms", Carine said to Rosie. "And the weird concoction I have to make for his feet", Elena said with her strong Russian accent. 

They kept on complaining until it was Kelt's turn but he shrugged his shoulders and smile. Someone threw a napkin at his face. "What? I have no complaints about my Masters. They treat me well" and at that, Fiona gave him a slap in his arm. "That's one way of putting it", Rosie said. She was about to ask him which daughter he preferred when a bell rang twice. All the kitchen maids got up at the same time, rearranging their uniforms and wiping their mouths. Five got out to take the empty plates from the dining room while Ludivina was putting her hat back. Five other maids were waiting on her to take the desserts. She then gave each one of them a plate of the most colorful and wide range of cakes. Rosie opened the door for the five maids and followed them close by.

While the maids were cleaning the table, Rosie saw that all the food that Ludivina had made had disappeared. Mistress Llewellyn's face had turned red, even with the white powder on her face. She was bringing air to it with a napkin transformed as a fan. The girl in the mauve dress was eyeing Samuel who stared back at her with a grin. The shy girl next to him was admiring her fork like it was something precious. When Rosie arrived in the dining room, Master Berkley and Master Llewellyn were laughing. The maids finished cleaning the table while the others were deposing the desserts in front of the guests. Mistress Llewellyn made a burping sound. Samuel's eyes flickered from the girl in the mauve dress to Rosie. "Another feast!", Master Llewellyn said while eyeing the giant mountain of vanilla ice cream, the Italian tiny cakes like the canestrellis and the calcionetti. Ludivina came in the room, smiling broadly. "There you go, chères mesdames et messieurs", she said while dropping an enormous plate in the center of the table. The three-tiered cake had white and red layers and was filled with tiny sugary moons and stars. The top had a giant red bow on it. "Is someone getting married today?", Mistress Llewellyn said while looking at her daughter in the mauve dress and Samuel. 

"Not that I know of but don't except less of Ludivina. She is truly the best", Master Berkley said while raising his glass of wine to her. She bowed and returned to the kitchen as fast as she could. All the maids were done serving the guests by now and retired too. Rosie made a step to leave. "How did you procure this fine piece of girl, Frank? Her skin is so clear, even though she's a negro". She stopped and turned to him slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2022 ⏰

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