Yesterday's ghosts

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"Rose! Rose!".

She opened her eyes so quickly some stars were dancing in front of her. After a few seconds where she regained consciousnesses, she started battling with a terrible headache. Someone shook her violently. "Wake up, you lazy bum! Time to get up!", said a husky but joyful voice.

She was about to curse that person in the rudest way possible when her nose came across a scent of honey and lavender soap. She knew that only one person in the entire domain would bath in those aromas. Master Berkley.

She tried to get up as fast as she could and realized she was in her bed. How did she managed to get there ?  Last thing she remembered was Smoky barking to her ears. In the woods, with a passed out Monsieur Jean. Scared to death, she stood still next to her bed before realizing that she was in her undergarment. She screamed loudly before entering her bed again and covered her body up with the white sheets. Master Berkley stood shocked for a second before recomposing a proper face. "I'll...Hum... I'll wait outside, of course", he said before leaving the room.

Rosie could not believe she showed the Master her undergarments

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Rosie could not believe she showed the Master her undergarments. Usually, she was the one barging in his room to wake him up, not the opposite. She had never sleeped in like that, in her life. And why couldn't she remember how she got in her room last night ? Someone must have helped her but who

The feeling of utter shame for showing her naked self to the Master replaced that gap in her memory. She was going to make him regret that. But first, she had to get ready before he could accuse her of laziness again. It took her a little less than ten minutes to get ready, physically and mentally. Her body was so sore she felt like she had been run over by a dozen of wedding carriages. While putting her uniform, the green top with the long white skirt, she tried to remember the fear and the power she felt last night. And Monsieur Jean ? She had to check if the Forgetting Spell was still active or not. 

The maids were casting disappointed glances at her while she passed in front of them. The women were busy cleaning the huge castle, some were changing the sheets or simply taking the non existent dust off the furniture. With a shameful face, she resumed her daily routine by going to the kitchen and preparing a plate for the Master. Expecting a sermon by Ludivina for oversleeping, she found odd not to see her preparing the food. It was way past eleven by now. 

"Where is she ?" she asked Medlin, one of the kitchen maid. "Gone fetching a fat chicken for Monsieur Jean. He's apparently in a very bad mood". Rosie sighed in relief. The pervert was alive and well. But she had to check if the spell was still good. Taking a golden tray out of the wood shelf, she prepared the Master's favorite snacks to ease her shame.

Climbing the endless flights of stairs to his bureau was so easy she didn't have to look at her feet. She grew up within the Berkley Castle and every inch, every stair, every brick in the wall was of knowledge to her. It was like she had build them herself. With an expert hand, she opened the door while keeping the tray still.

The scent of biscuits and lemon tea rushed through the door as she put her best smile on. "There you go, sleepy head! So much time to put clothes on, huh?", Master Berkley said, a giant smile on his face. She gave him her best i-am-going-to-kill-you eyes while still smiling and he shivered a bit before sharing a look with Monsieur Jean.

Rosie froze. The tray in her hand trembled and she put it rapidly on the tiny table between the two seated men. Monsieur Jean was as perfect as usual, his black suit without an inch of dust or fold. His brown semi-long hair were silky and moisturized like he had his own personal hairdresser. He looked at her vaguely, like he didn't even see her. Bowing to them, she started serving the two cups of hot tea without spilling a drop. The Master grabbed a butter cookie before she had finished serving and received an angry look. "I am hungry. You didn't serve me breakfast this morning, remember?", he said before filling his mouth.

Master Berkley was young. Some might say too young, considering the juvenile look on his face, but he was of Rosie's age. The two had grew up together ever since she was brought in with her grandmother to serve the previous Master Berkley. Almost thirty in a few years, he acted like he was ten and Rosie could not stand his childish ways. If she could describe him to anyone, she would say that he was a cunning and devious baby in the body of a 27 year-old lazy man. The town's noble ladies, especially Miss Frankie Llewellyn, would surely say that he was an angel fallen from Heaven, though a bit antisocial sometimes. 

With his slim and tall body, he was seated in his favorite silk and golden cushioned sofa, legs crossed like a gentleman. His face was thin and completed by a tiny but stylish beard. His light blue eyes could make any women faint, supplemented by long and thick eyelashes. Thin pink lips would always stretched in a rueful smile whenever he was teasing her, which he loved doing. His dimples would increased and amplify his amusement. The thick and furred eyebrows frowned when she pouted in shame, remembering he saw her naked a few minutes earlier. He seemed to remember as well when his gaze dropped to the top of her corset. He coughed a bit, choking on the biscuit he had just gulped before pretending to chase a non-existent dust off the jacket of his suit. "Please excuse me, Sir. I am a bit ill, you see. Maybe the DEVIL'S SPAWN cast a GLANCE at me", she said while looking angrily at him. "Yes, well... hum... Never again, understood ? Or next time, i won't be so kind", he tried scolding. She couldn't resist smiling, knowing damn well he wasn't going to do anything. "You witch", he whispered to her ears.

Monsieur Jean was absent-minded a few seconds ago but suddenly rose to his feet, eyes alert. He seemed afraid of something in the room, yet there was nothing. "Jean? Are you alright, mate?", asked Master Berkley, worried. He shared a concerned look with Rosie before getting up and grabbing his friend by the arm. This seemed to awaken the lad for he looked at the Master with surprise. " What? What did you say? I...I am a bit lost today", Monsieur Jean said while scratching his head. "Maybe a witch has put a curse on you", said the Master as a joke. 

"Witch" being the key word to his anguish cause Monsieur Jean looked behind him as if he was looking at a ghost. Rosie frowned. Maybe the healing spell awakened something dormant in the man. Her grandmother used to warn her about the consequences of spells. "Maybe he's just tired? ", she tried. "Maybe your bad aura finally consumed someone", the Master jokingly said. Monsieur Jean fainted suddenly on the couch. They both looked at him, surprised.

Rosie had to make sure she didn't damage the man. Her soul would not like such a cruel stain. She had to visit him that night to relieve her conscience. "Bravo, Rosie! Your lack of humor killed the man!", the Master said while clapping happily. 


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She was about to jump at his throat but he stepped back, his hands up to his face in a protective manner. "Careful. I am the Master of this Castle and you WILL obey me!", he said in a baritone voice, singing and smiling. "Seriously, though. I think his promenade yesterday made him ill. Go find Dr Pratt", he said, suddenly serious. "I hope Georgie didn't bite him", he continued while being worried for his favorite resident of the forest, a golden furred squirrel. "Really, Sam? Worrying for a squirrel instead of your human friend ?", she asked, astonished. He shrugged before patting his friend's head awkwardly. She shook her head in utter disbelief before heading out, fetching the doctor.

What the frog needed was an exorcism, not a regular doctor. 

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