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everything was spinning,it was like he was in a world of black nothings.

he was screaming,screaming for help and for maybe,his mother?it made his head hurt,his heart beat fast from fear and his stomach churn.

he screamed,and his eyes fluttered open.

taehyung woke up with a loud gasp, shooting straight up from bed as sweat beaded his forehead.

where was he?

the unfamiliar white furniture,almost everything in the room was white or black.

taehyung looked around him with wide eyes,this wasn't his home.

he was just about to cry from fear when hope filled him.maybe this was a surprise? for his birthday?

a small smile crept onto his lips.taehyung rubbed his eyes and got off the bed,the whole room was surprisingly huge.

opening the door by a crack,he scanned the outside as he whispered,"hello?"

his normally fluffy brown hair was messier than before,and for some reason he felt weak,faint even.

taehyung blinked when there was no reply, and he opened the door and stepped out.

the house seemed so big around him, and it was completely unfamiliar."hello?"

he opened his mouth again but jumped up in surprise when he heard a deep voice from behind him.

"you're awake,kitten."

taehyung whipped around,eyes widening at the sight of a taller,broad,muscular man looking at him.

he had on a black tee and jeans,staring straight at him into his eye.

taehyung shuddered,he felt a soft blush creep onto his cheeks.this always happened whenever someone looked at him in the eye for too long.he looked down.

"w-who are you?"he whispered.

the man smirked,"jeongguk.but to you, kitten,"he slightly lifted taehyung's chin, making the other look at him,"i'm your master."

taehyung flushed and pulled away,why was this man calling him kitten?he wasn't a cat like the ginger kitty!and why did he want taehyung to call him master?he wasn't a slave!

he opened his mouth and asked rather boldly,"where am i ?"

jeongguk's gaze darkened,"where are you what?"taehyung frowned and cocked his head to a side in confusion.

"what do you mean?"

jeongguk growled,"this isn't time to act like you're a brave boy,taehyung."taehyung's eyes widened,how had he known his name?

"i brought you here and i'm keeping you're now mine."

taehyung stared at him,"w-what do you mean?i- i don't understand,mr j-jeongguk."

jeongguk roared and hit the table,causing taehyung to flinch in fear."didn't i tell you to call me master?must i punish you on your first day here?!"

taehyung's eyes watered as his bottom lip quivered.he hated it when he got yelled at, it made his heart feel like it would explode and it hurt.

big,fat tears dropped from his eyes and before he knew it,he was a sobbing mess as he wiped his tears to no avail.

jeongguk stared at him in confusion.

"are you seriously crying right now?god, you're making me so fucking mad!" again the little flinched at the yell and curse words,and his crying only got worse.

𝖘𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖒𝖊. -𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖚𝖊𝖉- Where stories live. Discover now