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as soon as jeongguk pulled him into the house , and sternly told him to not let anyone touch him,taehyung found himself surrounded by what seemed a hundred people,squashed between them.

he looked around frantically,loud music was blasting into his ears and people's laughs and screams were heard as jeongguk pulled him through the suffocating mess.they went to a emptier corner where a table of drinks and snacks were at,as well as a male with blond hair with his friends.

jeongguk smirked,"fucking sick party."the blond laughed,before he looked at taehyung,making him feel small."who is this,gguk?"

"he..."jeongguk smirked at taehyung,but all he did was stay silent like a child,"he's my boyfriend,joon."namjoon hummed,"about time."

taehyung just stared at the floor,boyfriend? wasn't it only possible for girls to be with boys?

he couldn't deny it,though.he had felt a special feeling for the vampire,but the way he was being treated was drowning it and he just wanted to go home.

"stay here."jeongguk commanded,leaving taehyung alone at the table,where namjoon was previously before he too,walked off.

taehyung watched as jeongguk smirked at another male,leaning forward to probably whisper dirty words into his ear as the stranger giggled.

taehyung sighed,turning to look at the contents on the table,he looked at the bottles and cans in confusion,what were they?

he reached out to grab one,but was stopped when someone grabbed his ass.

taehyung squeaked,spinning around and staring at the culprit with big eyes."well, aren't you a cutie?"the man laughed , looking at him through hooded eyes as taehyung felt goosebumps."looking good in that cute little skirt,sweetheart."

"l-leave me alone."taehyung breathed out,  remembering that jeongguk had said not to let people touch him."he won't be happy."

the man smirked,"you're here with someone?well too bad,i like you,and you're going to entertain me,baby boy."

taehyung shivered,and looked down,"i- i don't want to."he felt tears threaten to fill his eyes , amd the man lifted his chin, sighing."it isn't a question,'re going with me."

with that,the man grabbed his wrist tightly and pulled him off to upstairs,and into a room.taehyung looked around ,panicking slightly,what would jeongguk do?what was this man doing?

"let me go!"taehyung screamed,fear fillling him up when the door locked and the man looked at him creepily.a tear fell and taehyung sniffled.i'm scared.

the man chuckled,"let me ask,how old are you,baby?"

taehyung blinked,his first instinct was to tell the truth."f-five."the man scoffed and smirked,"in to age play,huh?"taehyung stared at him,confused."h-huh?"

the man laughed,"don't be shy,baby.i'll make you feel good."he whispered , taehyung backing away as the man pinned him down against the wall,bringing back memories from the night he was taken away,and everything came back to him.

he was gone from his mother.

from jimin,seokjin.

he was alone.

and the tears wouldn't stop flowing when he remembered could he have forgotten?he had just shoved them all to the back of his mind,but now,it was too late.

"l-let me go!"he screamed,taking the man aback."w-whoa,don't fucking cry.what the hell is wrong with you?"he backed off, letting taehyung fall to the ground as the door slammed open.

𝖘𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖒𝖊. -𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖚𝖊𝖉- Where stories live. Discover now